Dear Friends:

The Breslov Center for Spirituality and Inner Growth is the first and most comprehensive outreach organization in America to be established under the direction of Gedolei Breslov. Since Rabbi Jonathan Rietti gave the first lecture under our auspices during the winter of 1998, we have established weekly classes at multiple locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and New Jersey, as well as organized all-day seminars, Shabbatons in Upstate New York, music concerts featuring Andy Statman and Simply Tzefat on the Upper West Side, and several winter Melaveh Malkas. These events have attracted people of diverse backgrounds from all over the country.

G-d willing, we will continue to do so. And more.

However, Chazal state: "If there is no kemach (grain), there is no Torah."

If you like what you have seen on this website, or if you enjoyed one of our classes or events, please consider making a generous donation toward the Center's maintenance and future programs.

The Hebrew word kemach (grain) bears the same gematria, or numerical value as the name "Nachman."

This suggests that even our physical sustenance comes in the merit of the tzaddik

But we must make what the Zohar calls an itaruta de-letatah, an "awakening from below." One of the most potent ways to do so is through tzedakah (charity). Especially tzedakah in Rebbe Nachman's name.

We pray that in the spiritual merit of Rebbe Nachman, everyone who helps sustain the Breslov Center will be blessed with happiness, health, and nachat - and with the greatest gift of all: the infinite wisdom of the Torah and the tzaddikim.

Thank you for your generous support,

Rabbi David Sears

Your tax-deductible contribution may be sent to:

The Breslov Center, 5014 Sixteenth Avenue, Suite 263, Brooklyn, NY 11204.

Or leave a message on our 24-hour information line, 718-482-3382, and we'll call you back.




The Breslov Center for Spirituality and Inner Growth