Moshiach's Army

From A Chassid's Journey and Other Breslover Tales
Retold For Children and Illustrated by Dovid Sears

Once someone asked Reb Nosson, "Since Moshiach didn't come despite all the efforts of the great tzaddikim of the past, how is it that the redemption will take place during such a period of spiritual decline as today?"

Reb Nosson answered the man with a parable.

"Once there was a fortified city. It was surrounded by a stone wall so thick that it seemed to be impenetrable. Kings from all over the world sought to conquer this city. However, in the end, their armies always met with defeat.

"Finally, a very wise king observed the city's walls and became convinced that he could succeed where everyone else had failed. He sent all his mightiest soldiers to attack. One by one, they fell, until only the king remained.

"Again, he surveyed the forbidding walls to see if anything had been accomplished. At first, the fortifications still seemed to be intact. But upon closer inspection, he saw that the stones had been severely loosened by the previous onslaughts. Even the weakest army could destroy it now.

"The king gathered together all the women and little children, as well as the old and the sick men who still remained, and they assaulted the wall once again. This time it crumbled to the ground!"

"So it is with the redemption of the Jewish people," Reb Nosson explained. "Generation after generation, the greatest tzaddikim have battled the spiritual obstacles that delay the coming of Moshiach. By now, these obstacles are almost ready to yield. Since we are combining efforts with those who preceded us, even such weak people as ourselves can bring Moshiach!"

© 1990 Mesorah Publications

The Breslov Center for Spirituality and Inner Growth