Cosmic Justice

From The Path of the Baal Shem Tov: Early Chasidic Teachings and Customs

By David Sears

"Retribution is exacted from a person with his knowledge and without his knowledge" (Avos 3:16). [Rabbi Nachman of Breslov taught] in the name of the Baal Shem Tov: Before any Heavenly decree is passed against the world, G-d forbid, the whole world is gathered together [and everyone is asked] to endorse that judgment. Even the person against whom the judgment has been decreed, G-d forbid, is asked whether he concurs. Then the judgment is concluded.

If one were openly asked about himself, he would certainly protest and say that the judgment is not [correct]. However, they mislead him and ask him about a similar case. He passes judgment, and then they render their verdict [concerning him].

This is like what we find in connection with King David, of blessed memory, when Nathan the Prophet came to him, and told him the story of the guest. [King David] declared, "As G-d lives, the man that has done this deserves to die. And he shall restore the lamb fourfold . . . "[1] Then judgment was rendered against David according to his pronouncement.[2]

Thus [the Mishnah states: "Retribution is exacted from a person with his (da'as) knowledge . . ." That is, they ask him his da'as (opinion). And, nevertheless, it is "without his knowledge," for he does not know that the judgment is against himself. The subject of how they ask every person is very deep. In all the conversations and stories one hears, high and lofty matters may be found. Therefore, one must be very careful not to pass judgment until he has reviewed [the facts] a second and third time, for it may be a matter of life and death (Likkutei Moharan 1: 113).

[1]11 Shmuel 12:1‑6.

[2] See Rashi, ad loc.


The Breslov Center for Spirituality and Inner Growth