Nachal novea; makor chochma -
A flowing river; the source of wisdom (Mish. 18:4)

Parshas Noach

(Genesis 6:9-71:32)

"The entire earth had one language with uniform words. They said, come let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top shall reach the sky..." (Genesis 11:1,4)

G-d created the entire universe with His speech as the verse says: "These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created." (Genesis 2:4) The phrase in this verse, "they were created" in Hebrew is "Bi'he'baram" which can be broken up into two words - Bi'hay' baram - which means, with the [Hebrew] letter "hay", He [G-dl created them [heaven and earth]. [In the Torah, this letter "hay" is written intentionally small, to call attention and point to this interpretation] (Rashi). Rabbi Nachman taught that every physical item in the universe contains Hebrew letters. G-d installed the spiritual essence contained in these letters into every physical item, enabling each physical item to exist (1 Lekutai MoHaran 18:6). This works much like the digits contained in a computer which enable the computer to carry out its programming. G-d created this world so that man, using his free choice, can learn about G-d. Therefore, G-d gave man many of the powers that He Himself possesses, but to a lesser degree, especially the power of speech, as the verse says: "And G-d created the man in His own image." (Genesis 1:27)

The power of speech that G-d gave man is so great that, just like G-d Himself, through speech, man literally has the ability to change the course of the universe as is indicated by the following verses: "And he [Joshua] said before the eyes of Israel, Sun, stand still upon Givon; and you Moon, in the valley Ayalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed until the people [the Jews] had avenged themselves upon their enemies." (Joshua 10:12-13) G-d gave us this awesome power so that we can experience and understand a little bit more about G-d and how He operates. Through the power of speech, all of the Hebrew letters that are contained in every physical item in the universe can be manipulated thus affecting the status of each physical item, just like changing the letters of a computer program change the outcome of the program. The Ba'al Ha'Tanya teaches: the Hebrew word for a thing contains its life force. For example, the Hebrew word for stone, ehven, contains the life force of every stone in the world. The same principle can be applied to everything in creation. (Tanya: Shaar HaYichud VeHeEmunah 1 (77a))


The holy Ari taught that speech can be compared to hands. Just as hands are the messengers of the heart in that they carry out the heart's desires, so too is speech an extension of and carries out the desires of the mind. Through speech we are able to reveal our thoughts to G-d in prayer [although G-d knows our every thought, He does not acknowledge them until we verbalize them in prayer] or by asking others to help us accomplish our goals - asking for what we want. Thus, through speech one is able to express and fulfill the wishes of the mind, just like the hands are able to physically take that which the heart desires. The verse says: "As long as Moses held his hands up [in prayer - here the hands are synonymous with the words of prayer uttered by Moses], Israel would be winning [the battle against Amalek; because the words of Moses's prayers acted like hands which drew spiritual power down to Israel from heaven] . but as soon as he let his hands down [due to fatigue], the battle would go in Amalek's favor." (Exodus 17:11)


The effectiveness, impact, and results of human speech are dependent upon the intentions and spiritual condition of the person - who uttered the words. A Tzaddik (saint) who has purified his mind through sanctifying his thoughts, actions, and speech unifies his mind with G-d, (which is called Tikun HaBris - rectification of the covenant that binds man to G-d) and can therefore greatly access G-d's powers, enabling him, through his speech, to perform miracles and to draw people closer to G-d (for his speech is an extension of his holy mind). (2 Lekutai MoHaran 5:9) An extremely wicked man has great power in his speech as well, but on the negative side. By committing great sins [especially sexual sins] and polluting his thoughts, actions, and speech, a wicked man connects himself to the forces of evil and can then access their powers to perform the same type of miracles as the holy man. Additionally, his speech has the power to put doubts into people's minds to draw them away from G-d. G-d allows this in order to maintain the balance of free choice. If the righteous were the only ones able to perform miracles, we would have no choice but to see that theirs is the right path. Therefore, G-d also gave this power to the wicked to obscure the truth, thus forcing us to live in the world of free choice. The speech of the average person is not as powerful or effective as that of the righteous or the wicked. Nevertheless, the average person's speech is still very powerful and has a profound impact on the world. For example, Rabbi Nachman taught that evil speech, such as slander, gossip, foul language, lies, talking during prayer, etc. uttered anywhere in the world releases a spiritual pollution into the atmosphere which empowers the forces of evil to make it more difficult for people to focus on holy matters. The opposite occurs when a person utters holy speech, such as words of Torah, prayer, and praise of G-d and His ways. (1 Lekutai MoHaran 63) Whenever a person speaks, his words become linked to and carried by a part of his soul which detaches from the main body of the soul and transmits the spoken words through the atmosphere. Since the soul is part of G-d Himself, the spoken words are actually a part of G-d. This [and the other reasons given] is why speech is so powerful [and why the Torah and all the sages exhort us to be so very careful with every single word we speak]. (1 Lekutai MoHaran 173)


Rabbi Nachman taught that not only does one's speech impact upon others and the entire world, but tremendously influences the person himself as well. (1 Lekutai MoHaran 51) As we mentioned above, speech is transmitted by fragments of the soul and is therefore an integral part of the soul. So, when someone utters a falsehood, it actually damages his own soul. The soul is also strongly connected to the blood, as stated in the verse, "..the blood is the soul." (Deut. 12:23) and therefore is involved in maintaining the body's health. When the soul becomes damaged through impure speech, the blood is affected as well and becomes spiritually polluted, possibly affecting one's health adversely. Furthermore, when the blood becomes polluted, it becomes difficult to be able to speak the truth, until one can once again purify his blood by doing repentance and focusing on speaking in holiness. (1 Lekutai MoHaran 51) In addition, Rabbi Nachman teaches that a person's body can be damaged through improper speech if the person prays without feeling, causing his soul to become partially detached from its roots, which is G-d. This partial separation from G-d makes his soul and his body tired and weary, cutting off his enthusiasm, causing his service of G-d to become robotic. This is why talking during prayer can actually diminish a person's capacity to fully serve G-d with great devotion and with all of his potential. (1 Lekutai MoHaran 67:9)

The Maggid of Mezerich (The Baal Shem Tov's chief disciple) adds that words impact in other ways. All the words that we speak draw spiritual power from the heavenly chamber of speech. Similarly, thoughts draw from the heavenly chamber of thought. When we speak in purity, we attach our thoughts to the heavenly chamber of speech. Thus, we unite the chamber of speech with the chamber of thought, causing good in the world. Conversely, when we speak evil, we bring about evil in the world. It is written, "Choose clever language." (Job 15:5) This verse comes to teach us that we should accustom ourselves to having good thoughts and speaking good words which will connect us to and cause us to draw front the heavenly realm of G-d's love and compassion, making our lives more pleasant. One who has evil thoughts and speech connects himself to the world of harshness, drawing to himself the harsh energies of G-d's judgments, making his life harsh and difficult. (Maggid D'varav Le Yaakov 42:29)

Rabbi Nachman taught not to ever let a word of evil leave your lips, even as a joke. The words themselves can do great damage and can later compel you to fulfill them, even if they were uttered orly in jest. It is written that King Jehu said: "Ahab served the Baal (the name of an idol) a little, but Jehu will serve him much." (2 Kings 10:18) He made this statement only to trick the Baal worshipers, as is explicitly mentioned in the very next verse - he had absolutely no intention of committing idolatry. However, the words that he uttered were his downfall - he later actually committed idolatry. From this episode, the Talmud derives the lesson that, "A covenant is made with the lips." (Talmud: Sanhedrin 102a, Moed Katan 18a)


Now that we have some understanding of the power of thought and speech in the universe, we can derive some insight into the rebellion by the generation of people who built the tower of Babel. Based on the teachings of Rabbi Nachman and his disciple Rav Noson, we will explain how this generation of mere flesh and blood mortals could have possibly thought to conquer and defeat all-powerful G-d.

The shape, color and texture of every physical item in the world reflects its spiritual properties and power. The brain, which is mostly white, is the organ through which we can merge and unite our souls with G-d or distance ourselves from Him. The brain's color indicates that it has the potential to purify the soul "white as snow", enabling it to be merged with G-d. The generation that died in the flood rebelled against G-d through blatant sexual immorality. Rabbi Nachman teaches that semen, the color of which is white, originates in the brain, indicating that each drop of semen contains part of the physical and spiritual aspects of the brain. Therefore, by having illicit sexual encounters such as homosexual and adulterous relations, bestiality, etc. the people of the veneration of the flood caused parts of their souls and brains to become connected to the forces of evil. This enabled them to draw upon the powers of evil and to run the world as they saw fit to the exclusion of G-d's wishes, resulting in tremendous spiritual and physical damage to the world. The verse says, "All flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth." (Gen. 6:12) This verse refers to the perverted sexual relations of every sort that were perpetrated by the generation of the flood which caused them to sever their ties with G-d and with life itself, resulting in the global destruction caused by the flood.

Several generations after the flood, when the world had become repopulated, man rebelled against G-d once again. The people thought that if they could draw forth G-d's spiritual power and connect it to the forces of evil nourishing those forces, it would give them powers that were similar to G-d's, thus allowing them to live independent of Him. The generation of the flood attempted to do this very thing by polluting their minds and the spiritual power contained in the mind through sexual sin. The generation that built the tower of Babel attempted this through a different physical medium - through polluting their speech, the building blocks of all of creation. They polluted their speech with arrogant and blasphemous words against G-d. [It is very difficult for us, living in these times, to conceive of people who saw and knew how to manipulate the very spiritual essence of physical acts such as sexuality and speech. The people of biblical times were all kabbalists of the highest order, on the sides of both holiness and evil. The most ordinary person perceived the cosmos on a level that even the most spiritually advanced people in our times cannot begin to fathom. Modern "intelligentsia" interprets these actions and awarenesses as foolishness and mere superstition. Their scoffing, however, is in reality a display of ignorance and clouded perception. That which we label ancient superstition was actually based upon a knowledge of the use of evil spiritual powers rooted in the same advanced intelligence which produced technological feats which cannot yet be matched by our hi-tech society.] To strengthen their rebellion, they built the famous tower comprised of thousands of bricks. Until this episode in history, every person spoke only Hebrew. The word for brick in Hebrew is lavain which is derived from the same root as the Hebrew word for white, lavan. Through their intentions, they were trying to inject evil into the letters containing the spiritual essence of the bricks, lavain. The evil would then spill over into the spiritual essence of the color white lavan, through their common root letters, until everything in the physical universe connected to the color white would become polluted, especially the white of each person's brain. If everyone's brains became polluted, the spiritual energies from G-d that nourish them would then be transferred to and empower the forces of evil. Thus, the people would have access to a corrupted side of G-d's power, empowering them to live independent of G-d.


Every geographical land-mass on earth is connected to a different part of heaven and resonates with its own unique spiritual vibration. The land of Babel was chosen as the location for the tower because the spiritual energies of this land are a mixture of good and evil and are connected to the same area in heaven as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The people wanted to use the good energies emitted from this land to nourish its evil energies. Evil has no independent existence of its own, it's life is dependent on what it can steal from the side of holiness. As such, the spiritual nature of Babel was ideal for them in order to realize their goals. As we explained above, they planned to connect the spiritual energies contained in the bricks, to the forces of evil. This would allow the evil forces to have a continuous flow of nourishment from the side of good, giving evil the stamina and the maximum strength needed to rebel against G-d. Since G-d created and controlled the universe through the manipulation of Hebrew letters, they attempted to pollute their speech, enabling the forces of evil to access the power of these letters. Once these letters would come under the control of the evil forces, they felt they would be able to deprive G-d of His power base, and overthrow Him, causing Him to lose His grip over the world. However, they didn't realize that G-d has total control over the entire world including the forces of evil. He is more powerful than words, for He is the source of everything. To prevent any further polluting damage to the spiritual roots of the world, G-d created disunity amongst the people by separating them into seventy nations, giving each one its own unique language, other than Hebrew.

Since Hebrew is the language with which the world was created, it has greater capability than any other language to be used to manipulate the spiritual and physical universe. Thus a lack of Hebrew knowledge would prevent all evil people from ever again unifying themselves in an attempt to spiritually pollute the universe or rebel against G-d in such a fashion.


Every language is based upon Hebrew, but has less potent effects on the spiritual world. Therefore, prayer is effective in other languages besides Hebrew, but it goes through less direct channels. This is why we should truly appreciate the privilege of being able to pray to G-d in the most powerful and effective language of all, Hebrew. As we say in our holiday prayers: "[We thank You G-d] that You have chosen us [the Jews] from all the nations, ...and elevated us above all the languages." We should now realize that our prayers accomplish great things in the universe, even though, due to the need to maintain a balance of free-choice in the world, the results of our prayers are usually invisible to our eyes. Therefore we should not waste such a precious opportunity by conversing with others during our prayer sessions.


The Holy Ari says that the Jewish people who served as slaves in Egypt were reincarnations of the people who built the tower of Babel. In order to rectify the sin of building the tower of Babel G-d brought it about that the Egyptians forced the Jews to work with bricks and mortar. Thus they could extricate the holy sparks from the bricks and purify the whiteness of their brains that they had damaged in their previous incarnation. Pharaoh had the same intentions as the those who built the tower of Babel, he wanted to pollute the letters of the world so he could rebel against G-d in the same fashion as was described above. This is why he forced the Jews to work with bricks. When Pharaoh saw that the Jews were on the verge of being redeemed, he no longer provided the Jews with straw to make the bricks. He insisted that the straw come from the efforts of the Jews alone. He thought that would cause the power of holiness to become further entrapped in evil, [for the Jews are connected to the source of holiness], thus strengthening his grip on them, preventing the Jews from being redeemed. Little did Pharaoh know that the harder the Jews worked, the more quickly they brought the redemption, for they rectified the sins committed in the previous incarnation that much faster. Therefore, we can see that the troubles that the Jews have suffered, especially in recent times, are only meant to hasten the final redemption. Amen! (Likutei Halachos: Choshen Mishpat: Hilchos Mekach U'Memk)


The following story demonstrates how powerful and important words can be. Every word of praise about G-d, which a person utters. no matter how trivial, is precious in His eyes. The Baal Shem Tov related that once, on his birthday, the eighteenth day of the Hebrew month of Elul, he was staying in a small town at a Jewish operated inn. The inn keeper, a simple man, barely knew how to pray and was unable to understand the meaning of the words of the prayers. However, he was a devoted and G-d fearing man and was continually saying, "Blessed be He [G-d] forever." His wife, equally simple and pious, was also in the habit of saying, "Blessed be His [G-d's] holy name," at every opportunity. On this particular day, the Baal Shem went out to the fields to meditate and to say Psalms, as the great men of former times had been accustomed to do on their birthdays. The Baal Shem recited Psalms while concentrating on the combinations of G-d's holy names and was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that Elijah the prophet was standing before him.

Elijah the prophet rebuked the Baal Shem Toy as follows: "Here you toil arduously to concentrate on G-d's holy names that are hidden in the verses of the book of Psalms, while Aharon Shlomo, your inn keeper, and Zlate Rivka, his wife, do not even know the significance of the mystic names formed by the verses they constantly recite: "Blessed be He forever.", and "Blessed be His holy name". Their precious words of praise shake the core of the heavenly realms with more impact than many utterances of much greater men." Elijah went on to describe the pleasure in heaven that results when men, women, and children praise G-d, especially when the praise is repeated often and comes from simple people. With their simple words of praise, coming from pure faith and a complete heart, they bind themselves to G-d. When the Baal Shem heard this, he decided to adopt a special way of serving G-d by urging all Jews - men, women, and children - to say the praises of G-d in their own simple way. He would always make a special effort to ask people about their health, their children and their livelihood, causing them to respond with different praises to G-d, each one in their own way. (Sifrei Chabad)

Volume 3, Issue 2