Nachal novea; makor chochma -
A flowing river; the source of wisdom (Mish. 18:4)

Parshas Breishis

(Genesis 1:1-6:8)

"And He [G-d] drove out the man [after he sinned by eating from the forbidden tree of knowledge]; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden the Cherubim, and the flaming sword which revolves, to guard the way to the tree of life" (Genesis 3:24)


Rashi tells us that the first word in the Torah alludes to the concept that G-d created the entire universe for the sake of Israel who would study and practice the Torah, which delineates the ways of G-d. The Talmud tells us that when G-d decided to create the world, His very first thought and purpose was to create the Jewish People. Throughout the Torah, there are numerous verses which emphasize G-d's love for the Jewish People over and above all else. All the words written in the Torah lead up to the very last word, the name Israel, indicating that the Jews are the culmination and purpose of all creation. In one of the many verses in which G-d expresses His love for Israel, He says: "With an everlasting love [for all time] have I loved you [the Jews]." (Jeremiah 31:2) If Israel is so dear to G-d, how can we explain the degradation, exile, wandering, suffering, and the pariah or outcast status that the Jews have endured for so many centuries. If Jews are as precious to G-d as the Torah clearly indicates, why have they always been at the bottom and under the control of others for the past two millennia? This problem, often posed by both Jew and Gentile, has many solutions. However. to fully answer this question -- dealing with all of its aspects -- would take up dozens of pages. It would be impossible to adequately answer this most important question within the confines of this sheet. Therefore, based upon the explanations of Rabbi Nachman and his disciple Rav Noson, we will focus on only one aspect of this very long and complicated subject.


When G-d created the world he placed man in paradise called the Garden of Eden. In the garden, man had a life of joy, free of pain and suffering. His goals [to serve G-d] were simple and clear and little effort was required to accomplish them. His intellect was even above that of the angels. Man was able to clearly perceive and access G-d and closeness to Him came with great ease. When Adam ate from the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, this all changed. Man's life became filled with toil, suffering, and sorrow. Man lost the clarity of his mind and purpose. His quality of life became greatly diminished and worst of all, finding and connecting himself to G-d became extremely difficult, such that he could even come to doubt G-d's existence.


Because Adam's mind had become polluted and damaged through his sin, his outlook on reality and the true purpose of life became distorted and foggy which caused him to degrade himself through corrupt behavior, unbefitting a human being. That being the case, existence in paradise with its boundless access to material ease would whet man's appetite for and increase his capacity to do evil, impeding his growth and ability to seek out G-d. Therefore, due to his diminished spiritual capacity and clarity of mind and purpose, and to prevent him from harming himself further, G-d expelled man from paradise, that, through the difficulties which he would experience outside of paradise, the evil part of his nature would be muzzled. The Talmud teaches: "Rabban Gamliel son of Rebbe Yehuda HaNassi said: 'The toil of both Torah study combined with an occupation causes sin to be forgotten [for devoting oneself to these two things leaves little time left for sin]." (Talmud: Avoth 2:2).


Despite man's expulsion from paradise, his mission and goal on earth had not changed, but his environment and circumstances, through which to accomplish those goals, had. We know that man's mission had not changed, for the verse defines man's mission before the sin: "And the L-rd, G-d took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to work it ['work' at this point meant spiritual work - praying in order to accomplish his goals] and keep it." (Genesis 2:15). When Adam was expelled from the garden of Eden after his sin, the verse says: "Therefore. the L-rd, G-d sent him [Adam] from the garden of Eden to work the ground [meaning that he would have to physically work to develop and improve his polluted physical body, which was derived from the ground] from which he was taken." (Genesis 3:23). This tells us that the goal of reaching the Tree of Life had not changed.


Only worthy people, who are able to merge themselves with G-d and His ways in this world (of free-choice) are permitted access to the Tree of Life, as a reward. [The Tree of Life is a spiritual apparatus by which an individual becomes merged with G-d, deriving spiritual nourishment from Him, showering that person with unbounded pleasure and true eternal life]. Therefore, G-d placed angels "to guard the way to the Tree of Life" allowing only worthy individuals to enter. Today, the Tree of Life can orly be reached through studying and practicing the ways of G-d, as enumerated in the Torah, as the verse says: "[The Torah] is a Tree of Life to those who grasp on to her." (Proverbs 3:18). Obtaining the rewards (which are the fruit from the Tree of Life) which come through the toil of Torah study and practice is not easy. Man, by eating from the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge became mentally damaged and therefore lost the privilege of having a life of ease, eating and enjoying the fruits from the Tree of Life. Therefore, G-d as a corrective measure for man's sin (not as an act of revenge), placed within man the evil inclination (which was external before the sin). The evil inclination is actually an angel who tries to distract man from the true goal of reaching the Tree of Life. The verse says: "He [G-d] placed at the east of the garden of Eden the Cherubim [a type of angel] and the flaming sword which revolves, to guard the way to the Tree of Life" (Genesis 3:24). The angels that "guard the way to the Tree of Life" refer to the evil inclination which utilizes "the flaming sword which revolves", to keep unworthy people out. "The flaming sword which revolves" is the constant turning of one's thoughts -- the confusion of mind which occurs when trying to choose between following one's passion for sin and forbidden pleasure or adhering to G-d's laws and wishes. Those who violate G-d's wishes are unable to reach the Tree of Life and enjoy it's fruit.

The difficulty in having to deal with the limitations and harshness of this world and the struggle for self-discipline, not submitting to one's evil urges, helps repair the damage done to the mind and body caused by Adam's sin, just as applying friction to a soiled garment cleanses it. The more disciplined and purified a man becomes by adhering to G-d's ways, the clearer his mind becomes, allowing him to perceive and be more connected to G-d (this is referred to as Tikun HaBris). Therefore. G-d made man's life more difficult to give him the opportunity to repair the damage caused by his sin.


G-d, by withholding the rewards derived from merging oneself with the Tree of Life (following G-d's ways) until the hereafter, prompts a person to work hard in seeking Him out and rectifying the damage done to the world as a result of Adam's sin. If man would receive his reward without delay, he would lose his motivation to complete the mission or tasks for which he was sent to earth. In addition, the doubts engendered by not seeing the rewards of the hereafter until one has completed his assigned tasks on earth causes man to serve G-d by virtue of his free choice, which gives man's service its value such that it merits reward. Man is better motivated to fulfill his assigned work in this world through delayed reward, believing that he eventually will receive his due, just as a worker does his job well, believing he will eventually earn a raise; or as a carrot at the end of a stick motivates a horse to pull the wagon, knowing that he will be fed when he arrives at his destination.


Rabbi Nachman taught that another corrective measure employed by G-d to undo the damage caused by Adam's sin is through utilizing the chamber in Heaven known as Heichal Ha'T'muros "the chamber of exchanges" (Zohar: Parshas Va'Yechi page 221). According to the Zohar, the spiritual energies that come from this chamber are responsible for the changes that occur in the world. The Heichal Ha'T'muros works much like the agitator of a washing machine -- clothes which start out on top can suddenly end up on the bottom, exchanging places with those which start out on bottom. However, whereas in the case of the washing machine, it makes very little difference in the cosmos which clothes are on top or bottom, the Heichal Ha'T'muros exchanges the position of things that, in G-d's Plan, really would otherwise belong on the top or on the bottom. This explains why the Jews, who are G-d's chosen people, have been on the bottom for the last two millennia while other nations have dominated and controlled the world. King Solomon alluded to this concept as follows: "I have seen slaves on horses [who have undeservedly risen to the top] and princes walking like slaves upon the ground [who have fallen to the bottom and really belong on top].' (Eccl. 10:7).

The Jewish People inherited the awesome mission from Adam to rectify the world. What Adam should have been, became the goal of all mankind. What all of mankind should have been, was realized by Abraham, the first Jew, and henceforth became the legacy for all Israel. The verse openly teaches us this: "You [Israel] are [exclusively called] Adam." (Ezekiel 34:31). "The entire house of Israel is [and bears the title and mission of] Adam." (Ezekiel 36:10). The Talmud comments on this verse: "You [Israel] are called Adam, but the nations of the world are not called Adam [and therefore do not have this awesome mission] (Talmud: Yevamos 61a).


Repairing the massive damage to the entire universe caused by Adam's sin is a humungous job, requiring centuries of gruelingly difficult work. Furthermore, this task, to be accomplished required that the Jews be scattered throughout the four corners of the world, to be involved in and have contact with every known culture and society found on earth, so they could reclaim the lost holy sparks that had fallen to these places. G-d had informed Jacob of this: "And you [Jacob and all Israel] shall spread [and dwell throughout the world] to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south ..." (Genesis 28:14). When any Jew, even the biggest sinner, is sent to any place on earth (this is brought about by G-d), he gathers the lost holy sparks (invisible units of sparks of G-dliness which provide life and power to those who possess them) that have become scattered as a result of Adam's sin, restoring them to the side of holiness. When these lost sparks have been restored to the side of holiness, they are used to build the upper spiritual structure, which when completed, will empower the Messiah to bring the final rectification to the world. When all the rectifications have been completed, the Jews will be returned to their rightful place on top (not to rule as dictators, but as guides to show the other nations how to come close to G-d). The verse openly states this: "And kings [from the other nations] shall be your [the Jews] nursing-fathers [and perform other menial chores, which will be an honor for them, which is the respect due to one's teacher -- for you will teach them about G-d], and their princesses, your nursing mothers; with their faces toward the earth, they shall bow to you, and the dust of your feet shall they lick up; and You shall know that I am G-d, Who will not allow those who hope in me to be ashamed." (Isaiah 49:23) Since the major responsibility for rectifying the world was placed upon Israel by G-d Himself, they have had to be sent out to experience every possible situation. (both from the top and from the bottom of) society, place, and culture. This is why we find that Jews are sometimes placed in positions of great power and at other times they arc very down-trodden. Therefore, the changes and ups and downs that the world continually experiences, and in particular the Jews (for they are most responsible for rectifying the world), is brought about through the chamber of exchanges, the Heichal Ha'T'muros mentioned above. Whenever all of the holy sparks of a particular situation or place have been collected, G-d activates the Heichal Ha'T'muros to revolve and change an individual's or a nation's situation in order to uncover the holy sparks of the next situation and place to be collected. G-d determines when, how, and where to bring these changes about. This is a main reason why the Jews have experienced exile and migration, persecution, poverty, pogroms, holocausts, etc. as well as eras of prosperity and power as in the times of kings David and Solomon. It all follows from Adam who, in paradise, was as the top, but fell to the bottom. Adam's situation can be compared to the story of a father who sent his son off to school to learn business administration. After the son graduated, the father made his inexperienced son the president of the company. The father knew that his son, although schooled in running a company, lacked the necessary practical experience. Therefore, the father instructed his son to follow his every instruction until he would gain enough experience to run the company himself. The son agreed, but on his first day on the job, became impatient, wanting to make decisions on his own, not to humble himself to his experienced father and be dependent on his advice. The inexperienced son therefore made a major decision on his own, against the advice of his knowledgeable father. The son felt that his decision was good and that this act would show that he could function without his father, that he could now rid himself of his father's control. The son's decision was disastrous and nearly ruined the company. The father then realized that his inexperienced son could make other such mistakes and lacked the discipline to listen to his advice. Therefore, the father had no choice but to place his son in the lowest level job in the company until he would learn the entire business from the bottom, starting in a position where he could do the least harm until he gained more experience. So too, Adam in Eden, G-d placed Adam on top -- president of paradise, but due to his bad decision, based on inexperience and self-pride, he was forced to the bottom in order to repair the damage and gain experience outside of paradise.


In order to rectify every situation and aspect of a soul's spiritual root and to complete its contribution to the great spiritual structure that was mentioned above, a person could be on top in one incarnation and in a second incarnation he could have a low status. The holy Ari says that this is why we will sometimes find that an ignorant person was a great sage in a previous lifetime. The reason he doesn't reflect his previous greatness in his present incarnation is that he had already nourished his soul in a previous life with Torah and because of his constant devotion to intensive Torah study, did not have time to perform many of the physical commandments. So, in his present incarnation he isn't adept at understanding the Torah because, for now, G-d wants him to concentrate on performing the physical commandments, which his soul is lacking. The Ari adds that a person must come back to this world as many times as it takes for his soul to fulfill the 613 commandments in order to complete every aspect of his soul.


All the changes and exchanges that occur in the world cause a manipulation of holy sparks, which purify and repair the world from the damage caused by Adam's sin and the sins of all the people who were born born after him. This explains why Abraham married Hagar, his maidservant, an Egyptian princess. Hagar bore Ishmael who disputed his half-brother, Isaac's legitimate rights to be the sole heir to Abraham. (The practice of marrying a non-Jewish slave became forbidden after the giving of the Torah). When a man has relations with a woman, he transfers parts of his soul to the woman, which remain with her for eternity. Sarah was a holy woman and performed the marital relations with the utmost purity, thus attracting to her own soul the holy elements of Abraham 's soul (which joined together to produce Isaac). Since Hagar was not as holy as Sarah, she absorbed the impure elements of Abraham 's soul (forming Ishmael). Therefore, Abraham was able to transfer all of the spiritual filth that he had absorbed before he came close to G-d and through his dealings with the many people who were estranged from G-d, while trying to bring them closer to Him. After he had purged all of this spiritual pollution, transferring it to his son Ishmael, all that remained was complete purity, which he transferred to Isaac, his true heir. Isaac did the same with his two sons, transferring the filth to Esau (this actually came from the impure elements found within Rebecca, derived from the wicked Bethueal, her father, as well as a trace of impurity remaining in Isaac. In contrast, Sarah gave birth to Isaac at age 90, after a lifetime of purifying herself from the evil elements derived from her parents), and the pure elements to Jacob. Thus, Esau was the biological first-born and Jacob, the spiritual first-born, which made Jacob have to trick Esau to obtain what was rightfully his. [The exchange of their true positions allowed Jacob to first purify the lower levels and then, after he obtained the right of the first-born he purified the upper levels (constraints of space prohibit further explanation of this very deep subject)]. The Ari explains that this is why we find that men who started out as great Tzaddikim (saints) end up becoming very evil, such as Doeg, Achitofel, Jeraboam ben Navat and others and we find those who started out estranged from G-d later become very righteous, such as the Baal Teshuvah (pennants) phenomenon of recent times.


King David prayed at great length to be saved from the negative results caused by the Heichal Ha'T'muros: "Into Your [G-d] hands do I give my soul; redeem me [from the negative consequences of the chamber of exchanges] L-rd, the G-d of truth." (Psalms 31:6). It was king David who prayed to be protected from negative exchanges of the chamber of exchange more than anyone else for he was responsible for rectifying this chamber more than any other Tzaddik (saint), since he is the ancestor of the Messiah who will completely rectify this chamber. This is why King David's ancestors were Lot - who produced a son from relations with his daughter; Yehudah and Tamar - who were father-in-law and daughter-in-law; and Ruth - a convert who had been an a idol worshiper. King David himself was so holy that G-d gave him a very strong evil urge and obstacles to match his abilities and holiness. Thus he was confronted with troubles and trials all of his life. G-d did not give him more than he could handle. By breaking the evil that confronted him, King David was able to greatly purify himself and the world. One would think, looking at all of King David's troubles, that he was not a holy man, but in truth the magnitude of opposition he encountered from the forces of evil indicates that his soul was very precious and valuable. Every Jew must be aware that part of the Messiah is in him just as it was in King David, for every good deed any Jew does brings the Messiah closer. Therefore, every Jew should ignore his present position and status in this temporary world for this is only due to the chamber of exchanges, which brings rectification to the world. This is why all Jews have the troubles they do, just like King David, but to a lesser degree. Every Jew should took at his true spiritual position, which is actually the highest of realms and is beyond description. Rabbi Nachman, taught that thousands and thousands of spiritual worlds are controlled by and dependent upon each and every vein contained the physical body of every Jew. Therefore even the lowest Jew is so lofty that it is beyond description. We do not see this in this world so as to maintain the balance of free choice. Therefore, every Jew must be aware of his true worth and value and not violate G-d's wishes, behaving like an animal, behavior unbefitting such a lofty and noble creature. The verse says: "You [the Jews] are children to G-d land should conduct yourselves in an appropriate manner befitting this status]' (Deut. 14:1).

Considering oneself as wicked or of little worth and saying that one's soul is insignificant is not an act of humility. Such an attitude only causes a person to think that since he is not so important, it doesn't matter if he sins. Adam had this false humility and thought the same way, which brought destruction to the world. Positive self-worth makes a person realize how important he really is and that his acts do impact on the entire universe.


The Talmud tells us that at the time before the arrival of the Messiah, the wicked will gain control of the world and impose their ways on society: "Arrogance will prevail and the truth will be a rare commodity." (Talmud: Sotah 49). During this final era, the wicked and the estranged from G-d amongst the Jews will have great wealth and power and, for the most part, become the leaders of the Jews, imposing their destructive ways upon the rest. The worthy Jews will generally be poor, having little influence, and they will be mocked. The Zohar says: "In the final exile [before the coming of the Messiah] the [descendants] of the mixed multitude [of Gentiles who left Egypt together with the Jews] will become the heads [and leaders] of the Jewish people and those who fear sin will be despised and considered [as low] as dogs in their eyes [the descendants of the mixed multitude]." There will even be great disputes between the true Tzaddikim (saints) and therefore it will be very difficult to find the truth. Therefore, Rabbi Nachman taught that when these happenings occur, the only solution is to pray to G-d and beg Him to lead us to the true Tzaddikim and to attach himself to them. (Lekutai Halachoth: Orach Chaim: Hilchoth Birchos Ha'Shachar 3:1-9)


A few instances where the Holy Ari encountered reincarnations which were products of the Heichal Ha'T'muros:

Once the holy Ari was walking with his students past the great Yeshiva of Rebbe Yochanan in Tiberias and pointed to a stone in the wall of the Yeshiva and said: "This stone is a reincarnation of the soul of a Jew and is crying out to me that I should pray for her [to rectify her], as the verse says: 'For the stone will cry out from the wall.'" (Habakkuk 2:11).

Another time the Ari was walking with Rabbi Moshe Gilanti by the grave of Rebbe Yehudah bar E'law'ee in Zefat to pray there. When they approached the grave, a raven perched itself on an olive tree and made a great ruckus. The Ari then turned to Rabbi Moshe and said that the raven was the reincarnation of a tax collector well known in Zefat, named Shapsee, who was a very cruel and evil person. The raven told the Ari that, because of his cruelty toward the poor, taking even the last drop of clothing and bedding from them, forcing them to pay their taxes when they didn't have the money, he was punished to come back as a raven and he now requested that the Ari pray for him. The Ari turned to the raven and said: "Rasha! (wicked one) go on your way and I will pray for you." As soon as he finished these words the raven flew away.

Once the Ari attended a wedding of a great young Torah Scholar. At the wedding feast, the atmosphere was very joyous. However, the groom suddenly swallowed a bone, which became lodged in this throat and he choked, gasping for air. Within a few minutes he died before the eyes of everyone. They were all shocked and began to cry hysterically, especially the groom's relatives. The people then noticed that the Ari was the only one in the room who sat calmly and didn't seem he concerned. The people realized that the Ari knew something they didn't and they asked him to tell them what he knew. The Ari explained as follows: "This young man who just died has just rectified all the flaws of all of his previous lives and it is no longer necessary for him to ever come back down to this earth ever again, therefore I don't feel badly about his death." (Stories of the Holy Ari)

[Ed Note: One should not make the assumption that the Jewish concept of reincarnation is similar to eastern concepts. It is impossible to know exactly what rectification is needed in one's life, so one still needs to fight to return to G-d in every way possible, and with all one's strength. Rabbi Nachman teaches: "G-d does not do the same thing twice. Even when a soul is reborn, it is not completely the same. The soul has a level of Nefesh and a level of Ruach, and the two are never brought back in the same combination. A Nefesh may be reincarnated, but always with a different Ruach. The complete soul is not the same, for G-d does not do the same thing twice." (Sichos HaRan 9)]

HITHBODEDUTH (secluding oneself)

Rabbi Nachman taught that as well as reciting the mandatory daily prayers contained in the prayer book, we should also speak to Hashem, just as we would confide in our best friend: in seclusion, in the language and style with which we feel most comfortable. This is based on the advice of our sages, just to mention two sources: "Rebbe Yitzchak said: 'Why were our forefather's barren? Because Hashem desires the prayers of the righteous.'" (Talmud: Yevamoth 64a) "Hashem seeks nothing other than to hear the prayers of Israel." (Medrash Tehillim 116:1). In these sessions, one can openly discuss anything and everything with Hashem. One can praise Him, unload and unburden his feelings, aspirations, problems and wants. These encounters not only strengthen one's faith in Hashem, relieve stress and worry, help to accomplish goals, sharpen the mind and build an intimate and personal relationship with Hashem, but they cultivate the notion that Hashem really exists and can be counted on for all one's needs. The following is an example of a Hithbodeduth session:

Aid me in expressing myself to You at all times. Help me tell You everything that is in my heart. You know how many needs I have. My heart is so troubled that I find it too much to express and explain everything I need and want. Please take pity on my poor soul and help me talk to You about everything I have in my heart. Put pure and pleasing words and entreaties into my mouth, so that I will be able to arouse Your compassion and bring You to accept my prayers with love.

Let my prayers rise up to the greatest heights. Give me the power to arouse the Upper Eden through my prayers, so as to open up a flowing channel of love, supreme wisdom and G-dly knowledge. Let the emerging river flow down to water the Garden - the Torah - which is where our souls are rooted. Let my soul grow and blossom. Let the pathways of the intellect be truly open to me, and bring me to attain wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

Help me devote myself to Your Torah in the proper way, and give me the ability to clarify Torah law, so that in each case I will come to the right decision. Help me study the law codes, and inspire me with the necessary wisdom, understanding and knowledge so as to be able to" clarify the final decision and distinguish between what is permitted and what is forbidden,, what is pure and what is impure, what is valid and what is invalid. (Lekutai Tefilot 12, The Fiftieth Gate: Breslov Research Institute: 1201 Beach 9th Street, Far Rockaway, N.Y. 11691)

Volume 3, Issue 1