Based on the Works of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
and Pirkay Avos

The First Test: Ur Kasdim
The Second Test: Go Away from Your Land
The Third Test: And There was Famine in the Land
The Fourth Test: Sarah's Abduction by Pharoah
The Fifth Test: The War of the Kings
The Sixth Test: The Covenant Between the Parts
The Seventh Test: The Circumcision
The Eighth Test: Sarah's Abduction by Avimelech [King of the Philistines]
The Ninth Test: Banish the Maidservant and her Son
The Tenth Test: The Binding of Isaac
Copyright (C) 1997 by Netzach Yisroel. All Rights Reserved.


"Abraham was one" [Ezekiel 33]. Meaning that Abraham served Hashem Yisborach [the Blessed G-d] only through being one, meaning that he thought in his mind that he was the only one in the world, and he did not look at all on the people of the world who turn away from Hashem and obstruct him. And not his father and the other obstructers. As though he was just alone in the world. And that is the explanation of "Abraham was one." And similarly for everyone who wants to enter into Service of Hashem; it is impossible except through this idea: that he should think that there is no one in the world except he alone, unique in the world, and he should not look at any person who obstructs him, such as his father and mother, or father-in-law and wife and children, and so on. Or the obstacles that are from other people of the world who scorn and entice and obstruct from Service of Hashem. And he should not look upon them at all. Rather just be like "Abraham was one," as though he is unique in the world, as mentioned above.

Introduction to Second Part of Likutay Moharan [The Collected Teachings of Our Teacher HaRav Rabbeinu Nachman]


Turn to me and pardon me, for I am alone and impoverished. I have hurried and am like a bird alone on the roof. Master of the World! What can I say or speak? Look to Your right and see that no one recognizes me. I have lost my refuge. No one cares about my soul. I have cried out to you, Hashem. I said You are my refuge and my portion in the Land of the Living. Listen to my song, for I have become very impoverished. Save me from my pursuers, for they have overwhelmed me.

Master of the World, Who knows hidden things. Who is the esssence of Truth and desires Truth. Close to those who call to You in Truth. You alone know everything that has happened to me each and every day. Those who stand up against me every day, physically and spiritually, to prevent and obstruct me, G-d forbid, from the Way of Life. Hashem, how numerous are my enemies. Many have risen against me. You know how many obstacles and obstructions and enticements and seductions and confusions overwhelm me all the time, to block me, G-d forbid, from the Path of Truth, from coming near to You and to True Tzaddikim. And in my strong degradation and numerous sins and horrible spiritual diffusion and mental confusion that I bring upon myself, the obstacles and hindrances from all the people of the world overpower and afflict me all the time. Those from my family and relatives, those from other people in the world, due to the great number of opinions and arguments in the world concerning the point of ultimate Truth.

And now Hashem, G-d of Truth, help us and strengthen us and save us and make us brave in Your service in Truth, and merit us to come near to those who fear You and who go with sincerity in Your Ways of Truth. And do not give power to any person in the world to obstruct me from the path of Truth in any way in the world, no matter who he is, whether near or far, and strengthen my mind in Your faith always. And let me appear in my eyes as though I am alone in the world, as it is written: "one was Abraham." And do not let me hear at all or see any obstacle and hindrance and scorner and cynic and confuser in the world. And do not let any person confuse me from the true and straight path, even those greater than me and more righteous than I. Just let me merit to conduct myself in the way of truth, according to what I learned in my youth from our holy and true Teachers, and let me regularly say in my soul that I do not know at all what will be done in the world with each and every person. J ust that I want to go in simple sincerity, in the way of truth, according to my level, as I learned through Your chosen and true Tzaddikim, who are the point of truth of all the worlds. And do not let me look at any opinion and desire that opposes their desire, which truly is Your desire. And even when I am forced to meet with people, whether in matters of Heaven or this world, even so do not let my mind become confused from the ultimate truth at all. And let me merit truly to fulfill the verse that is written: "Who is for me in Heaven and with You, I did not desire on earth." "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be favorable unto you, Hashem, my Savior and Redeemer." Be Strong!

[Prayer 149, Section 1, from Likutay Tefillos [Selected Prayers], accompanying the lessons in Likutay Moharan [Collected Teachings of Our Teacher HaRav Rabbeinu Nachman], by Rabbi Nosson of Nemirov, chief disciple and scribe of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.]

"Ten tests our Father Abraham was tested with, and he stood up to all of them, to show us how beloved our Father Abraham is." Pirkay Avos [Chapters of the Fathers] 5:4



In loving memory of:
Mr. Abraham Richter, son of Esther and Menachem Mendel,
27 Marcheshvan 5754 [1993]
and his wife Fannie (Fruma), daughter of Jacob Pollack
16 Kislev 5738


When Nimrod threw him into the furnace of fire and he was saved [Genesis 11: 26-32]

Version One
[Based on the book, Sheivet Mussar, chapter 52]

Before Abraham was born, Nimrod [see Genesis 10: 8-10; Genesis 14:1 in Rashi] denied Belief in Hashem Yisborach [the Blessed G-d], and was arrogant and said that he was god. And the early people of his time would bow down to him, and the seat of his kingdom was in the lands of Kutha.

And he would make statues in his form and image, and people would bow down to the statues in the image of Nimrod.

And Nimrod was an astrologer and wise in the science of the stars, and he saw in the stars that a man would be born in his days who would stand up against him to refute his belief and to vanquish him.

And he was full of great fear and sent for his ministers and told them the matter and asked them what to do about this child who woud be born in the future.

They said to him: "The advice that we give to you about this is that every woman who gives birth to a son, kill him. And if she gives birth to a daughter, let her live and give presents to her mother, clothing her in royal garments and calling out before her: 'So will be done to a woman who gives birth to a daughter.' "

And when he heard their advice he was very happy and did what they said. And more than 70,000 male babies were killed because of this.

When the angels on high saw the killing of these children, they said before Hakadosh Boruch Hu [the Holy One Blessed be He]: "Master of the Universe! Have You not seen what that wicked heretic, Nimrod son of Cana'an, has done, killing so many children and spilling their blood on the earth with no evil in their hands?" The Holy One Blessed Be He said to them: "Holy angels! I know and have seen, for I do not slumber or sleep, and I see and know the hidden and the revealed. But you will see what I shall do to this wicked heretic, for I shall put My hands on him to afflict him."

At that time Terach [see Genesis 11: 24-32] married Amathlai daughter of Karnavo, and she became pregnant and bore a son. And due to her great terror she left the city and went towards the wilderness near a river, and there she found a large cave, and when she went inside the whole cave lit up like the sun from the radiance of the child's face. And she opened her mouth and said: "Woe that I bore you at this time, when King Nimrod killed 70,00 male children because of you. And I am very afraid for you, that if he will find out about you he will kill you. And for this reason it is better that you die in this cave and that Nimrod not hurt you." And she left him in the cave and said: "May your G-d be with you. He will not weaken you or abandon you." And she went to her home.

This child was our Father Abraham, may the peace be upon him, and he had no one to give him food, and he started to cry. And HaKodesh Boruch Hu sent the Angel Gabriel, who gave him food and drink.

Until Abraham was ten days old, when he already started to walk in the world, and he left the cave and walked by the river, and he already had the wisdom and understanding of a grown man. And he started to think: "Behold! I see such a beautiful creation, mountains and hills, rivers and seas. Who made and created them, and who is the Higher Power?" He thought perhaps the sun that shines is G-d, and if so, "I shall serve it."

At night, when the sun was darkened, he said, "It appears that the sun is not G-d." And then he saw the moon with the stars, and he saw that the stars seemed to be serving the moon, and he said, "Apparently this is G-d, and I am obliged to serve it." In the morning, when the moon vanished, he said: "Certainly the moon is not G-d. If so who is G-d?" And he was very agggrieved that he did not know who was G-d and whom to serve.

He was still thinking and behold, the Angel Gabriel came and said to him: "Shalom Aleicha [Peace unto you] Abraham." He answered him: "Aleicha Shalom. Who are you?" He said to him: "I am the Angel Gabriel, sent to you by The Holy One Blessed Be He, who is the G-d, and He created the sun and the moon and everything that you see in the world." At that moment he walked to a spring and washed his face and hands and feet, and he prayed there to the Blessed G-d with bent knee and prostration.

A few days passed and Abraham's mother, Amathlai daughter of Karnavo, remembered her son whom she had left behind in the cave, and she wept greatly and left the city to search for her son in the cave in which she had abandoned him. After all the searching she did not find him there, and she wept even more over him, and she said: "Woe is me that I bore you to be prey for the animals of the field, to bears and lions."

And she left the cave and walked along the river and found her son, and she did not recognize him because he was very tall. She said to him: "I left the city to search for my son whom I left behind here, and I have not found him." He said to her: "How many days has it been since you left your son here?" She said to him: "About three weeks." He said to her: "And is there a mother in the world who would abandon her son for twenty days in the wilderness, alone and without food, and then would come to search for him? Surely he already has died or an animal has eaten him." She said to him: "Perhaps G-d will pardon." He said to her: "You should know that I am your son Abraham, whom you abandoned twenty days ago." She said to him: "And how could it be that you have grown so tall?" He said to her: "It is true. And know, my mother, that there is a great and awesome G-d in the world, living and enduring, who sees and is not seen, and He is in Heaven and the whole earth is filled with His Glor y, and He is the one who sent His angel, who fed me and gave me drink and guarded me. And because of this I have grown to such an amazing height."

She said to him: "And is there another god besides Nimrod?" [So she thought, and so had Nimrod confused her.] He said to her: "Nimrod is a human being like you and me, and he is not G-d. But there is the G-d of the Heavens and the earth, Who created everything and created me and you and Nimrod and everything that you see in the world. Go, my mother, to Nimrod and inform him about all this."

She went to the city and told her husband,Terach, how she had found her son. Terach was a great minister in the house of Nimrod the king, and he went to the king's palace and bowed before the king with his face to the ground. The king said to him: "Lift up your head and ask your desire." He said to him: "May the king live. I have come to notify you that what you saw with knowledge of the stars, that a child would be born in your kingdom who would undermine your beliefs, and for whom you killed 70,000 male babies; I am informing you that he is my son, and his mother concealed from me that she bore him. And she took him to the wilderness and left him there, and in twenty days he has grown to be like a grown man, and he walks along the river and says that there is a G-d in Heaven Who sees and is not seen, Alone with no other."

When Nimrod heard these words he became very terrified and asked his advisors and ministers what to do with this child. His advisors and ministers said to him: "Our king and god, how can you fear a small child when, in your entire kingdom, there are thousands and thousands of ministers and police without number. The least of the ministers will go and bring him and put him in the prison."

He said to them: "Have you ever seen in your days a child of twenty days who walks on his feet and speaks with his mouth and with his tongue proclaims that there is a G-d in Heaven, Alone with no other, and that He sees and is not seen?"

All the ministers who were there were very bewildered by these words. In the meantime the Satan came in the form of a man dressed in silk, and he went and bowed before Nimrod the king, and the king said to him: "Lift up your head and say your desire." He said to him: "Our lord the king! What are you worried about that all of you are bewildered by a small child? I will advise you what to do. Open the armories and give weapons into the hands of all the ministers and all the soldiers and let them go and bring Abraham to you to serve you and be under your dominion."

And so the king did, and a very large throng with weapons went to bring Abraham. When Abraham saw that such a large crowd was coming to him, he was gripped with great trembling and fear, and he cried out to G-d in Heaven to save him from them.

And G-d heard his cry and sent him the Angel Gabriel to save him from their hand. The Angel said to him: "What is the matter, Abraham?" He said to him: "I was afraid of those people that are coming to kill me." He said to him: "Do not fear and do not be terrified, for G-d is with you and He will save you from the hand of all your enemies."

And G-d commanded the Angel Gabriel to put a cloud and fog between him and them. When they saw the cloud and fog, they were afraid and returned to Nimrod their king and said to him: "Let us go and leave this kingdom." When the king heard this, they arose and travelled to the land of Bavel [Babylon].

After their journey from the East, G-d said to Gabriel: "Go tell Abraham to go after the enemy Nimrod to Bavel." Abraham said to him: "I have no horse or chariot or provisions for the way, and no soldiers to make war with him." Gabriel said to him: "You do not need anything, for you will ride on my shoulders, and I shall carry you to Bavel."

And Abraham arose and rode on the shoulders of Gabriel, and in the flash of an eye arrived at the land of Bavel. The Angel said to him: "Enter the land and call out in a great voice: 'Hashem is the G-d in Heaven Above and on earth below. There is no other. He is One and there is no other besides him. He has no bodily form and no body. And He is the G-d of Heaven and earth, and the G-d of Nimrod, and I am Abraham His servant, trusted in His house.' "

And he entered into the land and proclaimed verbally to all the people of the land these words mentioned before, and he proclaimed: "All of you should bear witness to these words." And he went into the marketplaces and streets, found his father and mother, and, behold, the Angel Gabriel stood in front of him and said to him: "Tell your father and mother that they, too, should believe, and they should bear witness that you are proclaiming that Hashem is the G-d; there is none other besides Him."

And when Abraham heard the words of the Angel, he said to his father and mother: "You are worshhiping a man like yourselves, and you are prostrating yourselves to him and to idols in the image of Nimrod. Do you not know that they have a mouth and they do not speak, an eye and they do not see, an ear and they do not hear, and they do not walk with their legs, and they have no purpose or value, neither for themselves nor for others?"

When Terach heard his words, he persuaded him to come to his house. And Abraham told him that he had travelled a distance of forty days' journey in one day. When Terach heard this, he went to Nimrod and said to him: "Our lord the king, you should know that the youth, my son, from whom you were fleeing, behold he has come. And I asked him how long he has been travelling on this way, and he said to me: 'Today I started my journey and today I arrived here.' "

When Nimrod heard this he became extremely terrified, and he said to his wise men and advisors, "Give me advice! What shall we do with this boy?"

And they answered him with one mouth: "May Nimrod the king live forever! Command and proclaim throughout the land a drinking celebration for seven days, and that the whole land should be full of joy and happiness, and that everyone should wear finely embroidered clothing. And do so similarly in the inner and outer palace courtyards. And sit on your throne, and let every man come to prostrate himself before you and to worship you." And the king commanded that this be done, and they did so.

And while the king was sitting on the throne of his kingdom, he sent for Abraham, and he came to him with his father Terach. And Abraham passed by the low-level ministers and assistants until he reached the king's throne. And he grabbed onto the throne and shook it with a powerful, strong, and awesome voice, saying these words:

"Woe to you, Nimrod, the despicable and the heretic, who denies the living and enduring G-d and Abraham His servant, trusted in His house. Testify and say like me that Hashem is the G-d, Alone with no other, and He has no body, and He lives, and He does not slumber or sleep, and He created the whole world in its entirety."

At that moment all the idols fell to the ground and broke. When the king and the ministers saw them fall, and also the shouting of Abraham, they all fell on their faces to the ground, with Nimrod their king, and their hearts melted within them, and it was some two hours until their spirits returned.

And the king said: "Is your voice that of Abraham, or the voice of G-d?" And he answered him: "This voice is the voice of the smallest creature of all the creation that HaKodesh Boruch Hu has created." At that moment Nimrod said: "Truly your G-d, Abraham, is a great and powerful G-d, the King of all the kings." And he told Terach his father to go with his son and to depart from him. And Terach and Abraham went to their city.

And it was afterwards that Abraham grew until he was about twenty years old. And his father Terach became ill, and he told his sons, Haran and Abraham: "By your lives, my sons, each one of you should sell for me two idols, for I have no money to pay for medical treatment."

Haran went and sold the idols and brought the money to his father. And Abraham went and took two idols, and tied a rope on their necks, and dragged them in the street with their faces to the ground. And he went and announced: "Who wants to buy an idol that has no value, neither to itself nor to the one who purchases it to worship it? It has a mouth and does not speak. It has eyes and does not see. It has ears and does not hear." When people heard the words of Abraham they were very surprised.

An old lady approached him and said to him: "Please chooose for me a very good and big idol to serve and to love." Abraham said: "Old lady, old lady. Did you not buy from my brother Haran yesterday an idol, and where is it?" She said to him: "Robbers came at night and stole everything in my possession, and also this idol they stole." He said to her: "If so, how can you serve an idol that cannot save itself from falling into the hands of robbers, and how can it save you, and how canyou say that the idol is G-d?" She said to him: "If so whom shall I worship?" He said to her: "Serve the G-d of all gods and the Lord of all lords, the Creator of Heaven and earth, the sea and evrything init. He sees and is not seen. He has no body, and He cannot be sensed by any of the physical senses of the body. And who is Nimrod thedog to make himself G-d to serve him?" Said the old lady: "From now on I shall not serve anything except your G-d, the G-d of Abraham. And if I shall serve Him how will I be nefit?" Said to her Abraham: "Everything that they stole from you will return to you. And also you will save your soul from Gehinnom [Hell]." Said the old lady: "What should I say to save my soul from Hell?" He said to her: "Say, 'Hashem is the G-d in Heaven Above and on earth below. Alone with no other. He kills and brings to life. He lives and never will see death, and also I, Abraham, am His servant and trusted in His house.' "

His words went into the ear of this old lady, and she returned in repentance, and she regretted that she had served the idol. And after a few days she found the robbers and they returned to her what they stole, including the idol. What did she do? She took a rock and smashed its head and said: "Woe to you and to the one who will still serve you, for you have no value and not for the one who will serve you."

And she left her house and was proclaiming in the marketplaces and streets: "Whoever wants to save his soul from Hell and to succeed in all his actions should serve the G-d of Abraham." And she would proclaim and speak in this manner until she had caused many people to return to G-d.

The king heard this, sent for her, and brought her before him. He said to her: "Why did you abandon me? Why do you not serve me? For I am your god, and I formed you and even maintained you." She answered and said: "You are from the liars, and you deny the One G-d Who created you. And you eat from His goodness, and you serve another god and deny Him and Abraham His servant."

When the king heard her words he commanded that they killed her.

And the king was very terrified of Abraham, who was destroying his beliefs, for the majority of the people already believed then in the G-d of Abraham. And when the ministers saw his agony they advised him thus: "Proclaim that all the people of the land should make a drinking celebration for seven days and wear silk and embroidered garments, and should reveal their wealth to show to everyone. And also you should open up your treasure-houses to the outside and show everyone the power of your wealth. And when Abraham sees your great wealth and the power of most people of the land and their great wealth, he will come to accept your beliefs."

And when Nimrod heard their advice he was very happy, and he commanded that they proclaim to all the people of the land to go to the assembly place [Va'ad] where they usually gathered there every year for their garden holiday, and that they should bring there the idols and make there days of drinking and celebration and festival more than they were accustomed previously.

And during the days of celebration the king told Terach to bring his son to see his majesty and the wealth of his glorious kingdom and his numerous ministers and servants. And Terach said to Abraham "Come with me to Nimrod the king's festival." Said Abraham, "I cannot go out from here." Terach said to him: "If so, stay with the king's idols until we return from there," and so he did.

And Terach went, and Abraham sat with the figures, and also statues of the king were there. And Abraham saw that the king had gone to the assembly place, and he took in his hand an axe and broke all the figures of the king, starting with the biggest and finishing with the smallest. To one he cut off his leg, to another he cut off his head, and to another he broke his hands, and he put the axe in the hand of the biggest idol, and Abraham left.

When the days of celebration ended and the king came to his house and saw his idols broken, he said: "Who was here and whose heart was filled to do such a thing?" All the people answered him in tears, "Abraham was here and probably he broke the statues." And the king commanded to bring Abraham, and the king said to him: "Why did you break our gods?" And Abraham said: "I did not break them, but rather the biggest one with the axe in his hand. And you should ask him to tell you."

When the king heard his answer he was furious and he ordered them to put him into the prison where the criminals were imprisoned. And he ordered not to give him anything to eat or drink so that he would die there. Our Father Abraham lifted up his eyes to Heaven and said: "Hashem my G-d, You know the hidden things, and You know that I have not arrived here except for Your Glory."

Hashem heard his prayer and sent him the Angel Gabriel, and at that moment a spring of living water was created there, and the Angel brought him all sorts of food, and he stayed with him for a full year.

And it was that at the end of the year the king's ministers and advisors came to eat and drink with the king. And the conversation turned to Abraham, who had turned the people away from worshiping the king. The king answered: "If he is still alive, my advice is to bring him and throw him into a fiery furnace." The ministers answered: "So be it."

And the ministers said to the king: "Build a large compound and announce that everyone should bring a lot of wood, and afterwards they would ignite the wood with fire until the flame would reach to Heaven, and they would throw Abraham into it and he would be burned up, and all the people will return to your faith."

And the king commanded that this should be done, and for forty days they collected a lot of wood and they ignited a huge fire unto the Heavens. And the king sent to call to the warden of the prison in order to bring Abraham before him.

And the warden came to prostrate himself to him, and he said to him: "How can you ask me to bring to you a man who, for an entire year, no one has brought him any food, and probably he already has died?" Said the king to him: "Go and see, and if he already has died then bury him and let his name not be mentioned again. And if he is alive bring him and we shall throw him into the fire."

The warden went to the opening of the pit and called in a great voice: "Abraham are you alive?" And he answered him: "I am alive." He said to him: "Who gave you food and drink up to now?" Answered Abraham: "G-d sent His Angel and He fed me and gave me drink. He sustains and supports everyone, and He created the whole world and He is the G-d of the whole world." When the warden heard his words, he also came to believe in the G-d of Abraham, and he proclaimed: "Everyone should accept that the G-d of Abraham is the G-d, and Nimrod is a heretic."

And they came and told the king, and when he heard this thing he was stunned, and he sent to bring the warden to the king and he said to him: "How could you deny me and say that the G-d of Abraham is true?" He said to him: "True and proper is the thing, and you, Nimrod, deny the G-d of Truth." And the king was filled with rage and he commanded to cut off his head with a sword. And when they raised the sword over his head he shouted and said: "Hashem is the G-d. He is the G-d of the whole world, and He created everything, and even Nimrod the heretic." And a miracle occurred and the sword did not cut his neck, and the sword broke, and the king was stunned.

And he ordered the ministers who were with him to bring Abraham, and one of the ministers went and brought him, and the king commanded to throw him into the fiery furnace. And he arose to throw him in and fire left the furnace and burned up the minister. And another minister got up from before Nimrod to throw him, and he too was burned up, and similiarly everyone who tried to take him to throw him into the furnace was burned up, until many had died.

And the Satan came in the form of a man, and bowed before the king, and the king said to him: "What is your advice?" He said to him: "I can do a trick to throw Abraham into the furnace. Prepare for me wood and nails and ropes, and I shall make from this a catapult, which is a cart with springs which, when they move, can throw into the furnace from far away, and no one will be burned up except for him."

And the king ordered to give him wood and nails and ropes, and he made the catapult. And they tested it and threw stones into the furnace. And they took Abraham and tied him up and put him into the catapult to throw him.

And when Abraham saw that they had tied him, he raised his eyes to Heaven and said: "Hashem my G-d, the whole earth is filled with Your Glory. Do you not see what Nimrod the king has done to me?" And also the angels above cried out bitterly.

Said to them The Holy One Blessed Be He: "How can I not know, when I see all the hidden things? But I shall show you my vengeance against Nimrod the heretic, and I shall save my servant Abraham."

And the Satan came to Abraham, in the form of a man, and said to him: "If you want to be saved from the fire of Nimrod, bow down to him." And when Abraham heard his words he rebuked him, and the Satan left him.

And Abraham's mother came to him to kiss him, and she said to him: "My son, bow down to Nimrod and enter his faith, and be saved from the furnace of fire." And Abraham said to her: "My mother, go away from me," and he pushed her away from him and said to her: "My mother, water will extinguish Nimrod's fire, but the fire of the G-d of the Universe is never extinguished." When she heard his words she said to him: "The G-d that you worship, He will save you from Nimrod's fire."

And it was afterwards that the ministering angels sought mercy from before The Holy One Blessed Be He, to go down to save Abraham from Nimrod's fire, and Gabriel came to him and said to him: "Do you want me to save you from the fire?" Abraham said to him: "The G-d that I trust in, He will save me." And when The Holy One Blessed Be He saw his good intent, He turned to him with mercy.

And when they threw Abraham with the catapult into the furnace of fire, Hashem said to the fire: "Be cool and calm on my servant Abraham." And a miracle occurred and the fire was extinguished without water, and immediately the wood blossomed and produced fruit, and the furnace became like one of the king's gardens, and the angels were sitting with Abraham inside.

And the king turned and saw the garden and the angels sitting with Abraham inside the garden. And the king said to Abraham: "Are you a sorcerer, that the fire does not have power over you?" And all the ministers of Nimrod answered: "No, our lord. This is not sorcery. But rather the power of a great G-d, the G-d of Abraham. And there is no other G-d besides Him. And we are bearing witness to this, and also that Abraham is His servant in truth."

And at that moment all the ministers of Nimrod and all his people believed in Hashem, the G-d of Abraham. And they said: "Hashem is the G-d of the Heavens above and the earth below. There is no other."

Version Two
[Based on Rabbeinu Bechayay on Lech Lecha (15); Tanna d'Vay Eliyahu Zuta, chapter 25; Midrash Rabba; The Holy Zohar]

On the night that Abraham was born, a very amazing thing was seen in the Heavenly firmament. One large star came out of the east and swallowed four stars from the four directions of the heavens.

All the sages and astrologers came together with Nimrod and said to him: "At this moment a son was born to Terach. In the future will descend from him a People who will inherit this world and the world to come. If it is your desire, give his father a house full of silver and gold and kill him [the child]."

Immediately Nimrod sent for Terach to come to him and said to him: "A son was born to you yesterday. Give him to me and I shall kill him. And I shall fill your house with silver and gold."

Terach said to him: "I shall tell you a parable. To what is this compared? To a horse to whom they said: 'Let us cut off your head and we shall give you a house full of barley.' The horse said to them: 'Stupid ones of the world! If you cut off my head, who will eat the barley?' And if you will kill my son, who will inherit the silver and gold?"

The king said to him: "From your words I see that a son was born to you." Replied Terach: "A son was born to me and died." He said back to him: "I am speaking about a living son, not a dead one."

What did Terach do? He hid his son in a cave for three years. And in his place he brought to the king the son of a maid-servant who was born the same night. And the king gave an order, and they killed him. And the king was consoled.

What did The Holy One Blessed Be He do? He brought to him two tubes. From one came out oil and from the second fine flour. And he ate from this all three years.

When he was three years old, he left the cave and saw the world and everything in it, mountains and hills and seas and rivers. Abraham thought in his heart: "Who created the Heavens and earth and me?" He saw the sun shining on the world, he thought and said: "This is what created the Heavens and the earth."

He prayed the whole day to the sun, and in the evening the sun set in the west and he said: "This is not the Creator," and he saw that the moon had risen in the east and that stars surrounded her. He said: "This is what created the Heavens and the earth and me, and those stars are its servants", and he stood all night in prayer to the moon.

At dawn he saw that also the moon had vanished, and he understood and said: "Those do not have power, and surely there is a Master over them. And to Him I shall pray and bow."

He came to his father and said: "My father, who created the Heavens and the earth and me?" His father said to him:"My god created the Heavens and earth and everything else." Abraham said to him: "Show me your god and I will test if he has power to create all these." Immediately he brought his idols and said to him: "This is my god."

Abraham went to his mother and said to her: "Make me delicious foods and I shall bring them to father's gods. Perhaps they will accept from me my offering." Immediately his mother made for him good foods and he brought them to the idols of his father's gods. And he placed them before the biggest of them, and there was no sound and no response.

He returned to his mother and said to her: "Make me better dishes." She made more delicious dishes,and he brought them before the idols, and there was no sound and no response.

Immediately the holy spirit came upon him, and he cried out about them: "A mouth they have and they do not speak. Eyes and they do not see." [Psalms 115] Immediately he took fire and burned them, and he took the biggest one outside and put the fire in his hand.

When his father came home and found his idols burned up, he said to Abraham: "Why did you burn up my gods?" He said to him: "I did not burn them. Rather the biggest one became enraged at them and burned them." He said to him: "Foolish son. And do they have strength, or do they have the spirit of life that they can do all this? And did I not make them out of wood?" He said to him: "Let your ears hear what your mouth is saying. And if they do not have strength, why did you tell me that 'my gods created the Heavens and the earth?' "

They said about Abraham that once his father gave him a basket full of boxes of idols to sell in the market. A man came and said to him: "Abraham, do you have an idol to sell?" Abraham said to him: "Which god do you want to take?" The man said: "I am strong. Give me a strong idol like me." Abraham took the biggest idol that was sitting on top and gave it to him and said to him: "Take this one." The man said to him: "And is this god strong like me?" And Abraham said to him: "Stupidest one in the world! If this god were not stronger than them all, he would not be sitting above them all. But I do not want to speak with you at all until you pay me its price."

Immediately he gave Abraham the money and took the idol. When he wanted to go, Abraham said to him: "How old are you?" He answered: "I am seventy years old." Abraham said to him: "This god that you bought, do you bow to it or does it bow to you?" He answered: "Certainly I bow to it." Abraham said to him: "But you are older than your god, for you are seventy years old, while he was made today with a hammer and anvil." Immediately he gave back the idol and threw it into Abraham's box, and he took the money and went on his way.

Afterwards came a woman, a widow, and she said to him: "I am a poor widow, give me a poor idol like me." Abraham took the idol that was sitting on the bottom and gave it to her and said: "Take this one." She said to him: "This idol is difficult, and I cannot stand before him." He said to her: "Stupid one! If he were not lowlier than them all why does he sit on the bottom? And he does not want to leave his place until you pay me the money." She gave him the money and took the idol. When she wanted to leave, Abraham said to her: "How old are you?" She said: "Many years." Abraham said to her: "The spirit of this old lady is foolish. How can you, who were created many years ago, bow to this idol that father made yesterday with a hammer and anvil?" Immediately she returned that idol and she took back the money and went on her way.

Obviously Abraham returned with all the merchandise. The sons said to their father: "Abraham cannot sell idols. Let us make him a priest." He said to them: "What is the work of a priest?" They said to him: "They clean the house for the idols and wash them with water and put food and drink before them." Immediately Abraham gave them food and drink and said to them: "Take and eat and drink so that you will know that you do good to people because I have given you food and drink." And obviously not one of them put out his hand to take.

Immediately Abraham opened up and said: "A mouth they have and they do not speak. Eyes they have and they do not see. Ears they have and they do not hear. Hands and they do not feel. Feet and they do not walk." [Psalms 115]

What did Abraham do? He took a staff and broke all of them and burned them all in a big fire. In the middle of this Nimrod came and caught Abraham. He said to him: "Are you Abraham son of Terach?" He said: "Yes." Nimrod said to him: "And do you know that I am the lord of all things, and the sun and the moon and the stars and the constellations and people all go out before me? And you, why did you destroy my idols?"

At that moment The Holy One Blessd Be He gave understanding to Abraham and he said to Nimrod: "My lord the king. The way of the world is such that from the day the world was created until now the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Tomorrow command the sun to rise in the west and to set in the east, and then I shall testify about you that you are the lord of all things. And if not, then the One who raised my hand to burn all the idols, He will raise my hand and I shall kill you."

And he also said to him: "If you are the lord of all things, surely you know what is in my heart. Therefore tell me my thoughts and what I shall do in the future."

And further he said to him: "If you are the lord of all things, why did you not save your father from death? But rather just as you did not save your father so too you will not be saved from death."

Nimrod began to argue with Abraham. And in the midst of the argument he said: "My god is fire. Will you bow to him, for his power is great to burn everything?" Abraham said to him: "If so perhaps we should bow to water that extinguishes fire." Said to him Nimrod: "As you have spoken. Water is stronger. Let us bow to water." Said to him Abraham: "If so perhaps we should bow to the clouds that carry the water." Said Nimrod: "As you have spoken. Let us bow to the clouds." Said Abraham: "And perhaps we should bow to the wind, that scatters the clouds." Said to him Nimrod: "I agree. Let us bow to the wind that scatters the clouds." Said to him Abraham: "And perhaps we should bow to a person, who is full of openings and contains the wind within him and it does not leave."

Said to him Nimrod: "Apparently you do not want to bow to anything physical. You just want to beat me. Behold, I bow to fire. And behold I am going to throw you into it, and let the G-d that you bow to save you from it."

Immediately Nimrod called to Terach his father and said to him: "What should be the sentence of your son Abraham who burned my idols? His sentence is nothing other than fire. As he judged the idols so shall be done to him."

Immediately Nimrod took Abraham and put him into prison and took him out to cast him into the furnace of fire.

Immediately they forced and tied Abraham up and put him on a rock, and they surrounded him with wood from all sides, five amos [about three meters] wide on each side, and five amos tall,and they set fire to the wood.

Haran, Abraham's brother, stood there and was unsure who was right. He said to himself, "if Abraham is saved then I will accept his beliefs, and if not then I will accept the beliefs of Nimrod."

And the neighbors and people of Terach's city came and hit him on the head and said to him: "You should be ashamed with a great and terrible shame. The same son that you said about him that he would inherit this word and the next, Nimrod is incinerating him."

Immediately the mercy of The Holy One Blessed Be He was aroused and He himself descended and saved him, as is written: "I am Hashem who took you out of Ur Kasdim." [Genesis 15: 7]

When Abraham was saved they said to Haran: "With whom are you?" He said: "With Abraham." They took him and cast him into the fire and his innards were scorched. When he saw this then he said: "I belong to Nimrod. Quickly save me!" And they took him out, but after a short time he died in front of his father. [Genesis 11: 28]

[For there were those who said that perhaps fire has no power over Abraham's family, therefore let us try Haran. And also in The Holy Zohar it is written: "Some say that the nations said that Abraham was saved in the merit of Haran, and a fire fell from Heaven and burned Haran." And in Targum Yonasan it says: "That they said that Haran was full of sorcery and he whispered that the fire should not burn up his brother. Immediately a fire fell from Heaven and burned him up."]

When Terach saw that his son Abraham was saved from the furnace of fire, he repented to do the will of Abraham, to serve One G-d. Terach said in his heart: "Perhaps they will rise up and kill my son." Immediatley he got up and left from there with Abraham his son, as it is written: "And Terach took Abraham his son, and Lot son of Haran, son of his son, and Sarah his daughter-in-law, wife of Abraham, and they left with them from Ur Kasdim to go to the Land of Cana'an, and they came until Charan and dwelt there." [Genesis 11: 31]

On that day all the peoples of the world knew that no one saved Abraham except for The Holy One Blessed Be He himself. And that He is Alone in his Universe. And they would bring their children to Abraham's tent and say to him: "We saw you that you trust in The Holy One Blessed Be He, Who is the Master of the Universe. Therfore we are asking you to teach our children about your way that you know." And about this the verse said: "The princes of the nations gathered together; the People of the G-d of Abraham."


[Genesis 12: 1-4]

When Abraham was dwelling in Charan with tranquillity and security, with his father's family and his relatives, G-d's command came to him: "Go forth on your way from your land [that is the region] and from your place of birth [that is the neighborhood] and from your father's house, for the Land that I shall show you." [Genesis 12:1]

And if you will ask: "If he leaves his land then he already has left his city and his neighborhood, and therefore why did He say to him afterwards: "And from your place of birth?" And the answer is that the pain of leaving his country is small in comparison to the pain of leaving his neighborhood, and also the pain of leaving his father's house is greater, therefore He mentioned to him everything, in order to increase the test and to receive greater reward.

And further, because travelling is harder on a person than everything.

And why did He not reveal to him to which place he should go? In order to make the command precious in his eyes and to give him reward for each and every step and for each and every word [of the command].

And another reason: to see if he would hurry to do the word of the king when he did not yet know the destination, and he had an excuse: "Why should I hurry? When I know where I should go then I shall leave." And he did not do this; he just went immediately.

And another reason: so that the Satan should not know and accuse him and obstruct him on the way, as he did at the Akeida [binding of Isaac].

And because travel causes three things: it reduces reproduction and money and one's respect, therefore He blessed him with these three things: "I shall make you into a great Nation, and I shall bless you [with money], and I shall increase your name [that your reputation will be throughout the world, and also a coin will be minted in your name]." [Genesis 12:2]

And so you should not fear lest people degrade your honor, He said: "And I shall bless whoever blesses you, and whoever curses you I shall curse." [Genesis 12:3]

And further, that everyone will be blessed in your name. A man will say to his son: "May you be like Abraham."

And you will find that when a man is in his land with his family and his father's house, he has three things: One, he has friends and acquaintances and neighbors. Two, that the people of his family will glorify him and will crown him with honor and respect. Three, that he is sustained by his father and by his family, who support him.

And with respect to these three things He said: "I shall make you a great Nation," that you will have friends and acquaintances from your descendants. "And I shall bless you, and I shall increase your name," that your name will be splendid without your father's family. "And you will be a blessing," that abundance will come for your sake, and you will support others, and you will not need the presents of flesh and blood.

And with respect to the great test that He did not tell him the Land to which he should arrive, and that he left his land with knowing where to go, and he did not question or doubt, to this He promised him that he would not need to fear anything. "And I shall bless whoever blesses you," and in the place that he settles G-d will command blessing for him. And every place that his foot will tread, success and status will be with him.

Said Abraham: "If I leave this will descrate G-d's Name," for people will say that he abandoned his father in his old age and left. Said G-d to him: "I excuse you from the obligation of 'respecting father and mother.' "

And Abraham went as G-d had spoken to him, and did not delay even for a moment. And as soon as G-d had finished His words, immediately he went and left his father's house and his place of birth.

And further, even though G-d promised him great promises if he would leave, he went only to fulfill the word of G-d.

And he did not wait even until he could find a caravan, or someone to show him the way, or until he could sell his belongings and buy what he would need. Especially since people were going with him, he would need to prepare for each and every one his needs and to prepare for them provisions for the journey. About this it says: "And he went as G-d had spoken to him" [Genesis 12: 4]; immediately following the word he went. To show you his alacrity and trust in G-d.


[Genesis 12: 10]

Even though G-d had promised him great promises, yet after he had travelled and left behind his whole family and the land of his birth and his father's house, in the end when he came to the Land famine struck, and he was forced to descend to Egypt. And he did not question the ways of G-d, to say: "You said, 'And I shall bless you,' and where is the blessing? And have I not seen only curse and famine since I came to the Land, what was not even before?" But rather he trusted in G-d.

And from the day that the Heavens and the earth were created until then there never was a famine. And even then it was only in the Land of Cana'an.

And the people said to Abraham: "How can you say that G-d created the Heavens and that we must serve Him? Is it not so that from the moment you came here, famine came?" And they said: "From the time this refuter of idolatry came, the famine struck." So great was the test that G-d tested him, to see if he would doubt Him. And he did not doubt him.


[Genesis 12: 10-20]

The night that Abraham arrived in Egypt was the first night of Passover. When he got to the gates of Egypt and his legs stood on the banks of the Nile, Abraham saw the image of Sarah floating on the water like a shining sun. He said to her: "Behold, now I know that you are a beautiful woman. And if the Egyptians see you and say that 'she is his wife,' they will kill me, and you they will let live. I shall put you in a box and lock you inside, for I am afraid for myself. And if they will open the box, say about me: 'he is my brother.' So that it will be well for me for your sake and my soul will live because of you." [Genesis 12:10-13]

And why did he say: "Say about me, 'he is my brother,' " and he did not worry that Pharoah would defile her? For Abraham had seen an angel walking ahead of her, and not in front of him. Therefore he feared for his life, that he did not have Divine protection as she did. Therefore he depended on her merit, and trusted also that the angel would save her from being defiled. And this is what he said: "In order that it be well for me [in this world, that they give me their money], and that my soul should live for your sake [in the next world, that she would not be defiled]."

After they did this, he came to pass over the border to enter the city. The customs collectors came and said to him: "What do you have inside the box?" He said: "Barley." They said: "It must be wheat." He said to them: "I shall pay you duty for wheat." They said to him: "They must be peppers." He said to them: "I shall pay you duty for peppers." They said to him: "They must be gold." He said to them: "I shall pay you duty for gold." They said to him: "They must be jewels." He said to them: "I shall pay you duty for jewels." They said to him: "You must open it up so we can see what is inside." Since they forced him, they opened the box and saw her like a shining sun. They said: "It is not proper for a commoner to be involved with her." And they acclaimed her to Pharoah, and she was taken to the Pharoah's palace, and he wrote to her in the Ketuba [marriage document] all of his silver and gold, and he also wrote to her the Land of Goshen [the choicest part of Egypt], and he gave many gifts to Abraham.

Abraham started to cry before G-d and said: "This is a result of my trust that I trusted in You. And now act for the sake of Your mercy and lovingkindness and do not put me to shame from my hope."

And also Sarah was crying and saying: "I did not know anything. And since you told my husband to leave his land, I believed in Your word. And now I am left alone from my father and mother and husband, and this wicked man will come to abuse me. Act for the sake of Your great Name and for the sake of my trust in Your words."

The Holy One Blessed Be He said to her: "By your life, nothing evil will touch you or your husband. And as for Pharoah and his household, I shall make an example out of them that everyone in the world will see and will be afraid to touch you."

"And G-d afflicted Pharoah and his household with terrible plagues, on the word of Sarah, wife of Abraham."

And the angel hit him, and he would consult with Sarah about each and every blow, and she would say to him: "Hit!" and he would hit him. And if she would tell him to wait a little, he would wait.

And even the ministers and all the members of his household were stricken. And even the servants and even the walls, and even the utensils and all the objects that were there.

And all the plagues that ever have come and that in the future will come upon humanity, came upon him.

And everyone said to him: "Everything has come upon us because you took Sarah, wife of Abraham. Return the woman to her husband!"

"And Pharoah called to Abraham and said: 'What is this that you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she is your wife?' "

And Pharoah commanded and they sent him, and everything he had, away. And to Sarah he gave Hagar, his daughter from his concubine, to be a maidservant in Abraham's house. He said: "Better that my daughter be a maidservant in this house, and that she not be a mistress in another house."


[Genesis 14: 1-24, 15:1]

"And it was in the days of Amrafel king of Shin'ar [he is Nimrod, and was called "Amrafel" because "he said to throw down" {double meaning from the Hebrew: "amar vehifil"} Abraham into the furnace of fire], Aryoch king of Elasar, Kedarla'omer king of Eylam, Tid'al king of Goyim." They made a war with the kings of Sodom and Gemorah, where Lot was dwelling amongst them.

And the whole intent of Nimrod was to kill Abraham. Therefore he said: "We shall start with Lot, his nephew, and afterwards we shall start up with him. [When Abraham will come to fight with us in order to rescue Lot, we shall smite him.]"

And they were successful in the war, and they smote them and captured them in the war. And for Lot, they captured all the property of Sodom and Gemorah, and afterwards they captured Lot and his property.

And their intent further was that Lot looked exactly like Abraham, and they would go and boast that they had captured Abraham.

The angel Michael came and told Abraham, and he is called "the refugee" [hapalit in Hebrew; Genesis 14:13], for when The Holy One Blessed Be He threw down the Satan and his group from the place of holiness, the Satan held onto Michael to pull him down, and The Holy One Blessed Be He saved him from his hand.

And some say that "the refugee" is Og, who fled and was saved from the Flood, and lay on the Ark, and Noah would feed him through the window, and thus he was called "the refugee." And his intent was that Abraham be killed and he would marry Sarah. Said to him The Holy One Blessed Be He: "For what you said to Abraham [that Lot had been captured] your reward is that you will live a long time. And for your thought that Abraham would be killed, by your life you will see thousands and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of his descendants, and your end will be to fall only through their hands."

And Abraham heard that his brother had been captured and said: "I shall go out and fight with them. If I shall defeat them good, and if not then I shall sanctify G-d's Name when I fall."

And he took with him his three disciples: Aner, Eshkol, and Mamre, and Eliezer his servant. And when he left the doorway of his house he saw the Divine Presence, and with her was a great warrior. Immediately he realized that G-d would help him, and he chased after them until Dan, that is Banias [a lush area of springs and waterfalls in northern Israel; one of the three sources of the Jordan River].

And they were throwing at him swords that turned into dust, arrows that turned into straw. And he threw at them stones that turned into boulders, dust that turned into swords, straw that turned into arrows.

And in Dan he hesitated, for there he was told that in the future his descendants would serve idolatry there, and his strength weakened.

And there he left his students and took Eliezer alone with him, and he chased after them until the outskirts of Damascus, until midnight. That night was a night of guarding, the first night of Passover.

And he returned all the property, and Lot and his property, and all the women and the people. And he returned the women and the people to the king of Sodom. But the children he held onto and converted them.

And Abraham was afraid and said: "Is it possible that I killed all those people and there was no righteous man amongst them?"

The Holy One Blessed Be He said to him: "Do not be afraid Abraham. Those people were cut down thistles."

And still he was afraid: "Perhaps all the world will gather together against me because I killed the kings."

G-d said to him: "Do not fear. I shall shield you. Just as this shield stands up against all the swords in the world, so even if all the peoples in the world will gather against you to fight against you, I shall oppose them."

And still Abraham was afraid: "Perhaps I have received my reward in this world, and I have nothing in the World to Come?"

Answered him G-d: "Your reward is very great."


When G-d showed him his children's enslavement to the gentile kingdoms [Genesis 15]

When Abraham was seventy years old he saw the following visions, and he was then in Eretz Yisroel [the Land of Israel]. (And to this day this location is known in the Galilee.)

G-d said to him: "I am G-d who took you out of Ur Kasdim to give you this Land to inherit."

And Abraham said: "How will I know that I shall inherit it? Inform me in what merit they [my children] will be able to stay there."

And G-d said to him: "Take for me three calves, and three goats, and three rams, and a turtle-dove, and a chick." (He implied to him that in the merit of the sacrifices they would inherit the Land.)

And he took all these, and he cut them in two. And he placed each animal, part on the right side and part on the left side, and the bird he did not divide.

And the vulture descended on the pieces, and Abraham chased it away.

And the sun started to set, and a deep sleep fell on Abraham. And behold a terrible dark terror fell upon him. And here He hinted to him that his children would be in great difficulties and in the darkness of exile.

Terror is Babylon. Darkness is Persia. Terrible is Greece. Fell is Edom [Rome]. And some say otherwise: Fell is Babylon. Terrible is Persia. Darkness is Greece. Terror is Edom.

G-d then showed him Hell and Exile, and the Giving of the Torah and the Holy Temple.

He said to him: "So long as your children are involved with the last two, they will be saved from the first two. And if they separate from the last two, they will be judged with the first two. And in the future the Holy Temple will be destroyed and the sacrifices will be annulled. If so how do you want your children to be punished when they sin, with Hell or with Exile?"

Abraham sat the whole day and did not know what to choose. G-d said to him: "Remove the worry from your heart and choose exile." And he chose exile.

And some say that He also showed him the Dividing of the Sea of Reeds.

"And He said to Abraham: You surely will know that your seed will strangers in a land not theirs, and they will enslave and torture them for four-hundred years."

"You know that I will scatter them in exile; you surely will know that I will gather them in and redeem them."

"And also the nation that they will serve I shall judge, and afterwards they will leave with great wealth." [All the above refers to Egypt.]

And He hinted to him the rest of the exiles, and that they also would be destroyed for the fact that they enslaved Israel.

"And you will come to your fathers in peace; you will be buried in good old age, and you will not see all this."

"And the fourth generation will return here, for the sin of the Emorites will not be complete until then."

"And the sun set, and there was fog, and behold a smoking oven and a fiery torch passed between these pieces." (He hinted to him that the gentile nations that enslaved Israel would descend into Hell.)

On that day G-d cut a Covenant with Abraham saying: "To your seed I shall give this Land, from the Egyptian River until the Euphrates."


[Genesis 17]

And Abraham was ninety-nine years old and G-d appeared to Abraham and said to him: "Go before me and be faultless. Until now, while you have foreskin, you are blemished before me. Remove the foreskin and become faultless. For the foreskin is a disgrace, and it is defiled more than all defilements."

"Until now your name was Avram, which in numerology equals 243, meaning that you have control over only 243 organs and you are king over them. And through the circumcision [Milah in Hebrew] all the organs will be under your control and you will rule over them." And He added to him his two ears and two eyes and the tip of his sexual organ, that he should control also these organs, meaning to hear only what the Creator wills and to see only what the Creator wills. Together these make 248 organs, which equals the numerological value of the name "Abraham."

Said Abraham: "If the Milah is so dear, why was it not given to the first man and his sons, and to all the peoples?"

Said to him the Holy One Blessed Be He: "Abraham, it is enough for you that I and you are in the world, and I do not desire that the nations be circumcised. And if you do not accept upon yourself Milah, then enough for My world. 'And if not for My Covenant [of circumcision] day and night, I would not have created Heaven and earth.' And enough for foreskin that it controlled the world without limits, and enough for [the commandment of] circumcision, that she is sad, and the time will come when people will fulfill this commandment in the world."

Said Abraham: "Until I was circumcised, people would come from all ends of the earth and desired my friendship, and in this way I would inform the world of Your Nature. And now if I shall circumcise myself, people will stop coming to me when they hear that I took a step like this."

Said to him G-d: "Even if all the people in the world will avoid you, My friendship is enough for you, and it is enough for you that I am your G-d."

Said to him Abraham: "Perhaps when they hear that I am weakened, they will come to fight against me."

Said to him The Holy One Blessed Be He: "It is enough for you that I am your supporter and that I shield you and save you all the time."

"And I shall put my Covenant between Me and you, and I shall make you very numerous."

"And Abraham fell on his face, and G-d spoke with him to say." And why did he fall? Until he circumcised himself, whenever the Divine Presence spoke to him he would fall. After he was circumcised, He would speak with him and he would stand, as it states: "And Abraham still was standing before G-d."

And G-d said to him: "And I have made My Covenant with you and you will become the father of a huge nation."

"This is the Covenant that you should guard between Me and you, and with your seed after you: circumcise every male and let it be for a sign of the Covenant between Me and you."

"And an eight day old child you should circumcise, every male born at home and bought with money [a servant], from every foreign son who is not of your seed."

Abraham sent and called for Shem, son of Noah, to circumcise him, and he circumcised him and his son, Yishmael. Abraham was circumcised on Yom Kippur [the Day of Atonement], and each and every year [on Yom Kippur] The Holy One Blessed Be He sees the blood of the circumcision of our Father Abraham and atones for all our sins.

And in the place that Abraham was circumcised and the blood was left (that was absorbed into the ground), there was built the Altar [in the future Holy Temple], and a hint to this is: "And all its blood he should spill on the base of the Altar" [refering to the sacrificial service of the Priest in the Holy Temple].

And when Abraham circumcised all the children of his household (Yishmael and the servants and the converts; this was one year before the birth of Isaac, his son from Sarah], he piled up a mound of foreskins, and the sun shone upon them and they steamed, and their scent arose before The Holy One Blessed Be He like the scent of the Holy Incense and like a burnt offering that was totally consumed with fire. Said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "When Abraham's children come to sin and to do evil things, I shall remember this scent, and I shall be filled with mercy for them, and I shall have mercy upon them."

"And in the middle of the day Abraham was circumcised," so that the people of his generation should not say that they would not have let him. Therefore he was circumcised in the middle of the day, so to say: "Whoever wants to protest should come and protest."

And to Abraham's objection that after he would be circumcised no one would come to him, G-d said to him: "Before you circumcised yourself uncircumcised people came to you. Now I am coming to you in My Glory, and I am revealed to you." Immediately: "And G-d appeared to him." [Genesis 18:1] And that day was the third day after the Milah, and The Holy One Blessed Be He came and asked about his peace.

And all who get circumcised, on the third day they hurt very much. And Abraham also was in great pain, in order to test him if he would doubt G-d who had commanded him about the circumcision. And he was looking for guests, and G-d wanted not to bother him with guests, and he opened a hole in Hell and heated the day like the day of the wicked [the Day of Judgement], and some say that The Holy One Blessed Be He took the sun out of its case.

And Abraham went outside and sat in the opening of the tent to get air and also to see if guests were coming. Said The Holy One Blessed Be He to the ministering angels: "Come and let us visit the sick man." And three angels descended and visited Abraham, and the Angel Rafael healed him.

Abraham circumcised Isaac when he was eight days old [a year after his own Milah] and made a party on the day of the Milah (and from this the Sages learned that we need to make a meal and celebration on the day of the Milah). [Genesis 21:1-5]

And Isaac circumcised Jacob.

And Jacob cleaved to the commandment of Milah, and he circumcised his sons and grandsons, and he bequeathed it to them as an eternal law. Until Pharoah arose and decreed upon them harsh decrees, and withheld from them circumcision.

And on the day that Israel left Egypt everyone was circumcised, from young to old, and they took the blood of Milah and the blood of the Passover lamb and put it on the door-posts of their houses. And when G-d passed over to smite the Egyptians, He saw the blood of the Passover lamb and the blood of Milah, and He was filled with mercy for Israel.

And in their merit in the future they will be redeemed in the end of days.


[Genesis 20]

"And Abraham journeyed to the land of the south and dwelt in Grar."

When they came to the gate of the country, people asked him about Sarah: "Who is she?" Immediately Abraham became fearful and thought: "A guest who comes to the city, they ought to ask him about eating and drinking, if he has something to eat. And here they ask him about his wife. Surely there is no fear of G-d in this place, and they will kill me over my wife," and therefore he said: "She is my sister."

And even though he saw that he was saved once before in Egypt, even so he did not want to rely on the miracle. And for Sarah he was not afraid, for he saw the Divine Presence always in Sarah's room, and it did not depart from there, and therefore Abraham relied on this and said: "She is my sister." And also when he said, "She is my sister," his intention was about the Divine Presence, as in the verse: "Say to wisdom you are my sister."

When Avimelech heard that she was his sister, he sent and took her for his wife. Immediately G-d revealed Himself to him in a dream at night and said to him: "Behold you will die over the woman that you took, for she is married." And G-d smote him and his whole household and all his servants with constipation, and G-d stopped up every womb in Avimelech's house. And also He smote him with terrible plagues like Pharoah, and similarly G-d prevented him from touching Sarah.

And all their openings were sealed shut: the mouth from speaking, the throat from eating, the ear from hearing, inability to urinate or to defecate.

And Avimelech said: "Will You kill even a righteous man? For I have not yet touched her, and also he told me, "She is my sister," and she said, "He is my brother." And in the innocence of my heart I have done this."

And the angel of G-d said to him: "Also I know that in the innocence of your heart you have done this, and I have spared you from sinning. But cleanliness of hands you do not have, just that I prevented you."

And He said to him: "And now return the man's wife, for he is a Prophet and he will pray for you and you will live. And if you do not return her, know that you surely will die, you and all that you have."

All that night the angel was standing with a strap in his hand and was hitting him, and he would ask Sarah and she would say, "Hit!", and he would hit, and if she said to wait he would wait.

And Avimelech sent to call for Abraham and said: "What have you done to us? For you have brought upon me and upon my kingdom a great sin."

And Abraham said: "For I said there just is no fear of G-d in this place and they will kill me over my wife. And also she really is my sister, the daughter of my father but not my mother, and the sister from the father [but not the mother] is permissible for a son of Noah [gentile] to marry." And he said the following: "Since she is the daughter of my brother, and children of children are like children, then she is like the daughter of my father and like my sister."

And Avimelech took sheep and cattle and men-servants and maid-servants and gave them to Abraham, and he returned to him Sarah his wife, and he gave him 1000 pieces of silver to show that he did not touch her. And Abraham prayed to G-d, and G-d healed Avimelech and his wife and his servant girls, and their orifices opened up.


[Genesis 21: 9-21]

Sarah saw Yishmael laughing. What is the meaning of "laughing?" Some of the Sages of blessed memory explained it to mean idolatry, that he was serving idolatry. And some explained it to mean sexual immorality, and some explained it to mean bloodshed. (The Ibn Ezra explains "laughing" as playing like any lad. And the book Minchas Yitzchak explains that this is not a contradiction, and that he had all three sins. But until he played together with Isaac, Sarah did not fear that he would learn from his ways. But when she saw him playing like every lad, she said: "Now Isaac could learn from his deeds.")

And some say that Yishmael was arguing with Isaac and said to him: "I am the first-born and I shall inherit the double portion." And Isaac said to him: "You are the son of the maid-servant and do not inherit." And when they went out to the field, Yishmael shot an arrow at Isaac to kill him, and when he did not succeed and they shouted at him, he said: "I am just playing and I did not intend to shoot at him."

Said Sarah to Abraham: "Banish the maidservant and her son, for the son of this maid will not inherit with my son, with Isaac."

And the matter was very evil in the eyes of Abraham when he heard that his son had gone off to an evil culture, and also that she told him to send him away from his home. And of all the evils in the world, this thing was particularly evil to Abraham, for Abraham was characterized by kindness.

G-d said to him: "Do not let it be evil in your eyes about the lad and your maidservant. Everything that Sarah says to you, listen to her voice, for she speaks with the Holy Spirit, for in Isaac will be called your seed. And also the son of the maidservant I will make into a nation, because he is your seed."

Abraham arose early in the morning and wrote a divorce document to Hagar, and he took bread and a skin of water, and gave it to Hagar and put it on her shoulder and sent her away. And also Yishmael he put on her shoulder, for he had fallen ill and could not walk on his feet.

And why did he take a skin of water and place it on her shoulder, rather than giving her a donkey to carry the skin? But rather he put it on her shoulder and tied it to her so that it would not fall from her shoulder to show to everyone that she is a maid, for this was the way of servants to carry vessels on their shoulders.

And also because Yishmael had gone to an evil culture; therefore Abraham hated him and gave him only bread and a skin of water, even though our Father Abraham was forgiving.

And in the merit of Abraham, water was not lacking from the skin until she reached the wilderness and she returned to the idolatry of her father's [Pharoah's] house, and immediately water was lacking in the skin. And also Yishmael, who was ill with a burning fever, drank all the water until the water was finished, and she threw the child down under one of the bushes. And she went and sat a bow's range away, for she said, "Let me not see the death of the child." And she sat away from him and lifted up her voice and wept.

And Yishmael threw himself under the desert thistles and said: "Master of the Universe! If You have the desire to give me water to drink, please do, and do not let my soul depart from thirst, for death by thirst is harsher than all forms of death."

And The Holy One Blessed Be He heard Yishmael's prayer, for the prayer of the ill is finer than anything. Said the ministering angels before The Holy One Blessed Be He: "Master of the Universe! A person who in the future will kill Your children with thirst, You are revealing to him a well?" (For at the time of the destruction of the Holy Temple, the Jewish exiles came to the children of Yishmael, and they gave them salty fish to eat and gourds filled with air that they thought contained water. They ate the fish and thirsted for water. And when they opened the gourds, the air entered their bodies and they died.)

He said to them: "Now what is he, righteous or wicked?" They said to him: "Righteous." He said to them: "I do not judge the person except according to his deeds now, not for what he will do in the future."

Immediately an angel of G-d called to Hagar and said to her: "What is the matter, Hagar? Do not cry. For G-d has heard the lad's voice from where he is. Get up and carry the lad and hold him with your hand, for I shall make him into a great nation."

And immediately was opened the well that was created before Shabbos, at the end of the Six Days of Creation at twilight. And G-d opened her eyes, and she saw the well, and she went and filled the skin (for she lacked faith; thus she thought that afterwards she would not have water, and so she filled the skin), and she gave the lad to drink.

And G-d was with the lad, and he grew up and dwelt in the wilderness and hunted with his bow. And he dwelt in the Wilderness of Paran, and she [Hagar] took for him a wife from the land of Egypt.


[from Midrash Rabba, Yalkut Shimoni, and Pirkei deRabbi Eliezer]
[Genesis 22]

When Abraham was 137 years old, Yishmael came from the desert to visit him. And Yishmael and Isaac sat and spoke amongst themselves. And what did they speak about? About the importance of the Milah. Said Isaac: "I was circumcised when I was only eight days old, and that is more important because I was not uncircumcised for more than eight days."

Answered Yishmael: "I could have protested, for I was thirteen years old when they circumcised me, and I did not protest, and certainly that is more important."

Said Isaac: "If only that G-d would reveal Himself to me and tell me to cut off one of my limbs, and I would not hesitate, and if G-d were to request that I be slaughtered for the sake of His Glorious Name, I would not delay."

At that moment the Satan came before The Holy One Blessed Be He and said to him: "Master of the Universe! This old man, You gave him offspring at 100 years of age, and from every meal that he made he did not sacrifice to You even a bird or even a chick."

Said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "He only did everything for the sake of his son, yet if I tell him: 'Sacrifice your son,' he will not hesitate."

Also the ministering angels said to The Holy One Blessed Be He: "Master of the Universe! This Abraham has rejoiced and caused others to rejoice, and he did not separate for You, not one bull and not one ram."

Said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "You will see that I will tell him to sacrifice his son and that he will not hesitate."

Even Abraham thought to himself: "I have rejoiced and caused everyone to rejoice, and I still have not separated for The Holy One Blessed Be He, not one bull and not one ram."

Then The Holy One Blessed Be He called to him: "Abraham." And he said: "Here I am, ready to listen to Your words."

And He said: "I ask of you to take your son and raise him for a burnt offering before Me."

And Abraham had pity on Isaac and said: "Which son, Yishmael or Isaac?"

Said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "I refer to your only son."

Said Abraham: "Both of them are only sons, this to his mother and this to his mother, and which one do you intend?"

Said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "I refer to the son whom you love."

Said Abraham: "Both of them I Iove, and which one do you intend?"

Then The Holy One Blessed Be He said to him: "I refer to Isaac."

And why did He not reveal this to him immediately? So as not to confuse him suddenly and cause him to go insane. And another reason: in order to endear to him the commandment and to give him reward for each and every utterance.

Abraham asked: "To what place shall we go?" Said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "Go to the Land of Moriah, meaning Jerusalem, from where will go out Torah. (And also there will be the service of the incense, one of whose ingredients is "Mor," as it is written: "I shall go to the mountain of mor".) And raise him up there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains."

Asked Abraham: "On which mountain?"

Said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "In every place that you will see My Glory standing and waiting for you there, that is the Altar."

He said before Him: "Master of the Universe! Can there be a sacrifice without a priest?"

Said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "I already have appointed you Priest, as it states [Psalms 110]: 'You are a Priest forever.' "

And Abraham could have objected in this manner: "I do not understand. Yesterday You said to me that 'in Isaac will be called your seed,' and today if I sacrifice him as a burnt offering how will this be fulfilled?" But Abraham in his righteousness did not complain and did not question at all, but rather he ran to do the Will of his Maker.

At that time Abraham thought in his heart: "If I let Sarah know, women's minds are light, and she will not be able to bear it. And if I do not tell her but I take him without her knowledge, when she will not see him afterwards she will suffocate."

He said to her: "Buy us food and drink, and let us make a meal and rejoice today." She said to him: "What is the reason for this celebration?" He said to her: "Old people like us, to whom is born a son, it is right for us to rejoice."

In the middle of the meal and the celebration he said to her: "You know that when I was three years old I recognized the Creator. And the lad is grown up and did not receive an education (that is he did not learn in a Yeshiva, for Abraham himself taught him Torah), and there is a place (Yeshiva) where they educate the children. I will take him there."

She said to him: "Take him to peace."

And Abraham rose early in the morning, in order that no idea or thought should come and prevent him from doing the commandment of his Maker. And from his love for G-d he did not give the saddling of the donkey to his servants, but rather he himself hastened and tied him up and readied him for the journey.

This donkey was the son of the she-ass that was created on the Sixth Day of Creation, at twilight just before Shabbos. And it was the donkey that Moses rode on when he went to redeem Israel from Egypt, and it is the donkey that the King Messiah will ride upon in the future, as it is written: "A poor man and riding on the donkey."

And he took his two servants with him, who were Yishmael and Eliezer, and his son Isaac. And he chopped the wood for the offering, and he arose and went to the place about which G-d had told him. On the third day they reached Mt. Scopus, and when they arrived there he saw the Glory of the Divine Presence standing on top of the mountain, and he saw a pillar of fire from earth to Heaven. He said to his son Isaac: "My son, what do you see?" He said to him: "I see a column of fire standing from earth to Heaven," and Abraham understood that the lad had been accepted as a burnt offering.

He said to Yishmael and to Eliezer: "What do you see?" They said: "We do not see anything." He said to them: "Stay here with the donkey, for just as the donkey does not see anything, so you do not see anything. And I and the lad shall go until there, prostrate ourselves, and return to you."

He took the wood and put it on his son, Isaac. And he took the fire and the slaughtering knife in his hand, and they went both of them together: Abraham, who knew, was going with he same joy as Isaac, who thought he was going to study.

And he put the wood on Isaac in order to start to test him if he would acccept the commandment of G-d or if he would rebel. And he took the knife in his hand and did not put it in his breast in order to test Isaac to see if, when he would see the knife, he would stand opposed to him. And despite all this, they went together, in one unity of purpose.

Yishmael and Eliezer, who stayed behind to wait, started to argue with each other. Said Yishmael: "Now Abraham is sacrificing Isaac as an offering on the Altar. And I am his first-born and I shall inherit from Abraham."

And Eliezer would answer him: "He already has banished you from his house, but I am his trusted servant and I am the inheritor."

And the Holy Spirit answered them: "Not this one and not this one will inherit. Wait and see who will inherit."

The Satan came and stood before him and appeared like an old man with an impressive form, and he said to him: "Where are you going, Abraham?" He said to him: "To pray." The Satan said to him: "And why do you have the wood and the fire and the slaughter- knife?" He said to him: "Perhaps I will tarry a day or two to bake and cook." He said to him: "Do not fool me. I know that you are going to sacrifice your son. And I do not understand you. An old man like you will lose his son that was given to him in his old age of 100 years?" Abraham said to him: "For that prupose I am going." The Satan said to him: "And if He will test you more than this, and will say, for instance, to slaughter yourself, and will test you more until you are weary, what will you say?" Abraham said to him: "Even if He tests me more and more I shall listen to His voice!" The Satan said to him: "Tomorrow He will say to you, 'Spill blood,' and you will be guilty of spilling the blood of your son. (And behold you have rebuked the people of your generation not to sacrifice their children to their gods, and how can you do the same yourself?)"

He said to him: "Even so I shall listen to the the voice of G-d."

Since the Satan saw that he was not listening to him, he said: "So I have heard from behind the curtain: 'the sheep for an offering and not Isaac for an offering.' " Said to him Abraham: "So is the punishment of a liar, that even when he says the truth they do not listen to him." (Sifsay Cohen explains that the Satan's intent was for Abraham to go on, certain in his heart that Isaac would not be an offering, in order to reduce his reward. But he did not listen to him and did not believe his words and went with the intent to sacrifice his son.)

When the Satan saw that he accomplished nothing with Abraham, he came to Isaac, appearing to him as a young man. He said to him: ""Where are you going, Isaac?" He said: "To study rebuke and insight." The Satan said to him: "In your lifetime or after your death? For I know that he is going to slaughter you and sacrifice you as an offering on the Altar." He said to him: "Even so I am going." He said to him: "All the jewelry that your mother made will be given as an inheritance to your brother Yishmael, hated one of the house."

(The parable says: Evil speech, even if all of it does not go into the heart, let half go in.) And Isaac said to Abraham his father and said, "My father." Why did he say, "My father"? In order that he be filled with mercy for him. And he said to him: "Here are the fire and the wood, and where is the sacrificial lamb?" Abraham said to him: "G-d will find His lamb, and if not, then behold you are chosen to be an offering, my son. And behold you must be happy about this, and this evil one who has come to cool you off, rebuke him so that he will leave you alone."

(And Sifsay Cohen explains: And he said, "My father," meaning that when you do the commandment on me do not do it with cruelty, as though you are not my father, but rather do it with love. And he said, "Here I am my son," meaning "Yes I shall do every action that I do in order to arouse your love." And so every time that he says "his son," it is to say that even so he did not refrain from doing G-d's commandment with joy and not with cruelty.)

When the Satan saw that he did not accomplish anything with Abraham and Isaac, he came to Sarah and said to her: "Where is your husband?" She said to him: "At his work." (And in her mind she thought that his work all day long was prayer and study.) He said to her: "And your son, where is he?" She said to him: "He is with my husband." He said to her: "Did you not say that you will not let him leave the door of your house to go outside?" She said to him: "They did not go to work, but to pray." He said to her: "You will not see him any more." She said to him: "The Holy One Blessed Be He will do His will."

And they both went together. Abraham to bind Isaac and to slaughter him, and Isaac went with the same joy to be bound on the Altar and to be slaughtered. And even though Isaac understood this. And we already said above that Abraham went with joy. Thus they both went together with the same joy.

Since they did not listen to the Satan, he went before them and became a road of boulders and big and small rocks, and they went with great difficulty. They passed the road of boulders, and behold here was a very great river. Said Abraham: "I do not remember that there is a river here. In any event let us traverse the river."

They stood in the water up to their necks. Abraham raised his eyes to Heaven and said: "Master of the Universe! You revealed Yourself to me and said: 'I am unique and you are unique. Make My Name known throughout the world, and bring up your son for an offering.' And I did not question Your words and did not impede Your utterances, and now the waters have come up to the soul. If Isaac drowns how will Your Name be unified?"

Immediately The Holy One Blessed Be He rebuked the Satan and he went away.

And they came to the Place that G-d had told him. This place was once a valley. So said The Holy One Blessed Be He: "It is not the way for the King to dwell in a valley but rather on a high place, elevated and beautiful." And The Holy One Blessed Be He lifted it up. Therefore it is called Mt. Moriah, that from His Awe [Yirah in Hebrew] it was made into a mountain.

And G-d appeared to him and said to him: "This is the Altar. It is the altar on which the First Man [Adam] sacrificed his offerings. It is the Altar upon which Cain and Abel brought their offerings. It is the Altar upon which Noah and his sons brought their offerings."

And Abraham built the Altar. It does not say Altar, but rather the Altar. The same Altar that the earlier ones had sacrificed upon. Abraham arose and repaired it and improved it. And both of them brought the rocks, the fire, and the wood. Abraham was like a man making a wedding for his son, and Isaac was like a groom going under the wedding canopy [chuppa in Hebrew].

And some say that only Abraham built the Altar, and Isaac he hid so that the Satan would not throw a rock on him lest he become invalidated for the offering.

He finished building the Altar; he took Isaac and tied him onto the Altar. Said Isaac: "Father, tie me tight and well. Perhaps I shall be afraid and jerk from the pain and kick you, and it will turn out that I will violate 'Honor your father.' And also by kicking I will make myself blemished, and I will be disqualified from the sacrifice."

When Abraham our Father was binding and tying Isaac his son onto the Altar, The Holy One Blessed Be He was tying and binding the overseers of the gentile nations in Heaven.

Said Isaac: "Father, hurry and do the Will of your Maker, and burn me well, and my ashes bring to my mother, and leave them. And whenever my mother will see it she will say: 'This is my son whom his father slaughtered.' Father, what will you both do in your old ages?"

He said to him: "My son, we know that our deaths are near. He who has consoled us until now, He will console us until the day of our death."

And he put him on the Altar. Abraham's eyes on the eyes of Isaac, and the eyes of Isaac on the Heavens above. And tears were spilling from Abraham's eyes, until his whole figure was soaked with tears. And he wept greatly, and he said: "I shall lift up my eyes to the mountains. From where will come my help. My help is from G-d, Maker of Heaven and earth" [Psalms 122]. And even so his heart rejoiced to do the Will of his Maker.

And Abraham sent forth his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son, and he was like the High Priest bringing forth his flour offering and his libations. And The Holy One Blessed Be He was watching the father binding and the son who was bound with all his heart.

At that moment the ministering angels were shouting and crying, and they said before Him: "Master of the Universe! You are called merciful and forgiving, that Your mercy is over all Your creation. Have mercy on Isaac, for he is a man and son of a man, and he is bound before You like an animal."

And Abraham put the knife close to his throat, and then Isaac's soul left him. But the knife was damaged from the tears of the ministering angels. And an angel of G-d called to him from Heaven and said: "Abraham, Abraham," the double expression indicating affection and urgency. And when Abraham saw that the knife was damaged, he wanted to strangle him with his hands, like a bird offering that is killed by Melika [a process whereby the priest pinches off the bird's neck with his fingers]. The angel shouted: "Do not send forth your hand to the lad!"

Said Abraham: "I shall draw from him a drop of blood so that my coming here should not be in vain." The angel said to him: "And do not do anything to him, because now, through this test, I have shown the whole world that you love Me." Abraham said to the angel: "Who are you?" He said: "I am an angel sent to you by G-d." Said Abraham: "When The Holy One Blessed Be He told me to bring a sacrifice, He told me Himself. And now I request that He tell me." Immediately The Holy One Blessed Be He opened up the firmament and said: "I swear by Myself..."

Said Abraham: "I wish to explain to You my thoughts which I do not understand. Yesterday You said that 'in Isaac will be called your seed.' You reversed Yourself and said 'And bring him up to me for an offering.' Now you say, 'do not send forth your hand upon him.' Please let me understand Your ways."

G-d said to him: "When I said, 'And bring him up to me for an offering,' I did not say that you should slaughter him, just bring him up. Now that you have brought him up onto the Altar, you can bring him down and go home to peace."

At the moment when the angel shouted, 'Do not send your hand,' Isaac's soul returned. And he freed him and he stood on his feet and he felt himself revived from the dead. And he opened up with the blessing: "Blessed are You G-d who revives the dead."

And Abraham lifted his eyes and saw, and behold a ram was caught by his horns in the bushes. That ram was ready and created on the Sixth Day of Creation at twilight [before Shabbos]. And it was grazing in the Garden of Eden [Paradise] under the Tree of Life, and it was drinking from the water that passed under it, and its scent filled the whole world. And now an angel brought it from the Garden of Eden, and it was running and coming so that they could sacrifice it in place of Isaac.

And the Satan stood and confused it and it caught its horns between the branches of the trees. And the ram put out its hoof and grasped the Tallis [prayer-shawl] of Abraham. Immediately Abraham saw the ram, and took it and freed it from the bush, and sacrificed it in place of his son Isaac.

All of the service that he did with the ram he would say, "This is in place of my son." When he slaughtered it he said: "Let it be Your will that this will cause You a satisfied spirit as though I had done it to my son." And also when he sprinkled the blood Abraham said: "Master of the Universe! Please see the blood of the ram that is sprinkled on the Altar as though I have spilled the blood of my son, and the entrails that are being burned up as though I have burned the entrails of my son."

"And may it be Your will that when the children of Isaac sin, remember for them the binding of their Father Isaac, and save them from all their afflictions."

At that moment the pleasing smell of the ram went up before G-d's Throne and was sweet to Him like the smell of Isaac, and He swore to bless him in this world and in the World to Come.

And Abraham called the name of that Place "G-d is seen," and he prayed that G-d would choose to rest His Divine Presence and to have sacrifices in this place .

And Abraham returned to his youths, and he sent Isaac to study Torah. And Abraham did this to show his love for The Holy One Blessed Be He. For if he would bring Isaac home he would have much greater love for Isaac. As a man whose son became sick and almost died and then recovered, or was saved from being killed, the father looks at him and is not satisfied with looking, for it seems to him that he has been born anew, and his love is reconnected to him more than it was originally. But Abraham our Father, if he had done this, would appear that he regretted what he had undergone. Therefore he left Isaac as though he already had died and was slaughtered, and it almost was difficult for him that he was not slaughtered, due to his great love for The Holy One Blessed Be He.

And from this ram nothing went to waste. The ash from the ram is the foundation of the inner Altar. The sinews of the ram are the ten strings from the violin of King David. The skin of the ram is the belt of Elijah the Prophet. The left horn of the ram is the shofar whose sound was heard on Mt. Sinai [at the Giving of the Torah]; and the right horn is greater than the left, and in the future to come it will be blown to herald the Coming of our Righteous Messiah, speedily in our days, Amen.

In the Future-to-Come, Hashem will place the Moshiach on His right side and Avraham on His left and Avraham's face will be sad. But Hashem will appease him saying, "The son of your son is at My right side and I am at your right side." [Midrash Tehillim 18:29]

And Abraham was ninety-nine years old, and G-d appeared to Abraham and said to him: "I am the Almighty G-d. Go before Me and be perfect." [Genesis 17:1]

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