Gallery 5

The handwriting of Rabbi Natan of Breslov z"l
Likutey Moharan, first edition
Likutey Eitzot
Tikun HaKlalli
Chaiyae Moharan,(Lemberg 1876)
A letter from Rabbi Alter Tepliker z"l
The Grave of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron
Kochvei Ohr
Avanaiha Barzel
Likutey Tikkunim and Tikkun Haklalli
Introdcution to The "Tikkun Hakali"
A letter to all Breslov Chassidim in the land of Israel
A letter from the leaders of Breslov
"Kitzur Likutei Halachot"
"Likutei Eitzot"
"Machniya Zaidim"
Rabbi Nachman's "Journey to Eretz Yisrael"
Rabbi Nachman's gravesite in Uman
A prayer from Rabbi Nachman
"Out pouring of the soul"
The introduction to "Likutei Morharan"(First edition)
A decree by the leaders of Breslov in Jerusalem
A Breslov Yeshiva membership card
"Shivchei Haran" and "Tikun HaKlali"
"Kitzur Likutei Moharan"
A collection of letters by Brelover Chassidim
"Sichot HaRan"
The writing of Rabbi Avraham Bar Nachman
The Writing of Rabbi Avrahanm Bar Nachman
A Prayer from"Likutei Tefilot"
The "Greatness of Rabbi Nachan's teachings and stories"
Rabbi Nachman's Kippah
Rabbi Nachman's writing
The introduction of the first edition of Likutey Moharan
A article on "Lag Ba'Omer"
"Binah L'eatim" first edition
The "ohel " over Rabbi Nachmans grave
"Likutey Moharan"
A letter
The eighteen rules for the studying "Likutei Moharan"
"Parperot L'Chochmah"
A map showing Rabbi Nachman's journeys
"Sichot Ve'hitorirut"
Rabbi Natan's grave in Breslov
Facimile of a "Tikkun Klali" printed during the war
"Mea Shearim" and the Breslov Yeshiva
"Sifan shel Tzaddikim"
An anouncement
"Likutei Eitzot He'Chadash"
"Simchat Beit Ha'Shoevah" in Breslov, Jersusalem